11th Encounter: Guns' n Whips

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Name: Ramiel

First Appearance: In-story? Chapter 2, I believe.

Age: Older than time itself, but she looks and acts around fifteen.

Role in Story: The Archangel of Kindness, one of the members of Conscience. She's the moodmaker, always keeping everyone happy and satisfied. Though not particularly a "main" character in the sense of "POV" (third omniscient so lel), she is a protagonist and serves a fairly large role throughout.

Appearance: Ramiel stands at 5 feet, two inches, and has an extremely skinny frame with next to no figure. Her skin is a light brown, certainly darker than a simple "tan" but on the lighter end of "dark" as far as that goes. She has round, brown eyes, and a button nose, along with a small mole just under her left eye. Ramiel's pink ringlets are pulled out of her face and kept in a low ponytail. As an angel, she has small, fluffy, feathered wings, and usually wears silken dresses and sandals. She also has a lime green halo.

Weapons: Love's Whips, a pair of lime green whips each about five feet long. They're not really anything special, but wrap around things extremely easily (somewhat controlled by Ramiel's mind) and have a surprising amount of strength behind every yank.

Powers: Ramiel's powers are over the atmosphere. She can thin the atmosphere around a person to make breathing come harder, or thicken it tremendously and stir up humidity to raise the temperature. Alone it isn't overly useful, but that's fine with her; she's more of a team player anyways.

Her special ability is Humanitas, which reflects any ability or attack back at the user/into the air/at her allies at a 50% reduction. She mostly uses it to aid in a faster healing process with the Archangel of Chastity, Uriel.

Background: Ramiel was one of the first angels created, and serves Trinity dutifully. After Lucifer's rebellion got the demons banished, she took Michael's side in attempting to win them back with patience and love. The creation of Earth and humanity brought her a new mission, and her time spent coaching humans to follow the kind path led her to truly love them as well.

Personality: Most bubbly little actual ray of sunshine you will ever meet. Ramiel is innocent, kindhearted, polite, sweet, loving...every possible precious sweet thing you can think of, Ramiel is that thing. She's cheerful and somewhat naive, and genuinely believes love is the answer to every problem. A true pacifist, who will never raise her weapons in battle unless it has reached such a DESPERATE level that she has no choice. A desperate level for her friends, mind you; Rami couldn't really care less if she herself is threatened. She will fight to the bitter end to protect her friends, and even then avoids anything that will kill or truly injure her foes, preferring to use her whips to redirect their attacks and her powers to make them grow tired more easily.

Weaknesses: She literally loves everyone and everything. She loves freaking Satan. Like, this girl could not hurt a fly if she tried, and I mean that in the most literal of senses. In addition, her actual power is a bit weak, and her naivety makes her a bit of an airhead at times.


Feats: How many spoilers am I allowed to list Saved thousands of human souls during her lifetime, everything from here on out is a MASSIVE spoiler for seVen: Vice and Virtue, proceed with caution: Distracted and nearly took out the Demon of Greed, Mammon, during a tense fight just before her death; actually succeeded in turning the demons to their side through just being a literal precious angel; scored a kiss from Leviathan. Technically she kissed him and he just stood there spluttering because he doesn't know how to handle affection but pssh it's still an accomplishment. alright you're safe lol

Hobbies: Loving people, hanging out with people, basically just people. If it has to do with other people, she likes doing it.

Likes: Everything positive

Dislikes: Everything negative

Fun Fact: She has a MASSIVE crush on Leviathan, the Demon of Envy. Like, she's head-over-heels for him and she's always clinging to his arm and defending him and calling him adorable and it's so precious. Too bad he has a girlfriend. Her twin brother Samiel resents this, so Rami has had to play mediator between the two of them often. Thankfully she's pretty good at that.

Sounds like a good character to go with our boy Richard. He hasn't had too much spotlight and makes the perfect match for meeting little Ramiel. Let the random encounter begin!)

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