8th Encounter: [Battle of the Wits]

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Our next up character is Lotte Hubert by @Disapointedsheep used in the book Starlight's Drop.

Name: Lotte Hubert

First Appearance: Starlight's drop : book 1, chapter 1 : unwitting travellers.

Age: 19

Role in Story: Kind of a supporting character so far, he becomes the retainer of a main character in chapter 2, and works with her from that moment onwards.

Appearance: Lotte's a nineteen year old man, he's well built, but not a muscle man either. He has long dirty blond hair that he keeps in a short ponytail, and his complexion is rosy and healthy. He's got a rectangular face and thick eyebrows, his eyes are emerald green, a rather common eye colour in his land of origin.

Lotte's rather short for a guy of his age and origin, as he's barely above 170 centimeters, and that's something that he's kind of bad with, especially since his master, Quinn, is a 180 cm woman that usually makes fun of him or carries him.

He usually wears a white long coat over green waistcoat and a white shirt, matched with Brunswick green pants. But when he goes out hunting, he dons a light grey or black leather armour that's been enchanted for effective battle use.

Weapons: Lotte is trained to use a good array of weapons, but so far, he's only been shown relying on a short blade that looks a bit like a roman glaive. He also uses a LOT and I mean a LOT of small bombs that work a bit like hand grenades, and he's extremely good with medicine and poisons.

Powers: Before talking about powers, I'd like to explain just one little thing. Even thought he is physically fit and kind of an okay melee fighter, Lotte is a pharmacist and alchemist at heart. And though he can stand his ground and his magic abilities are rather impressive for a human, He is NOT a warrior or a battle mage by any means.

Now that that's out of the way, we can focus on Lotte's powers. He is above average with most basic magic, think elemental magic and the like. However, he mostly specializes in wind magic and sound magic. His wind magic is powerful enough to cut a row of trees without problem, and if he were to unleash it in a small room, nothing but splinters would survive that kind of power. Sound magic is mostly used for communication and scouting, but he can use powerful sonic blasts to disorient an enemy, or create fake sounds.

Lotte is particularly good with wind attributed personal barriers and shielding magic, strong enough to completely ignore most normal projectiles; and if he were to completely focus just on defence, one would need power comparable to a canon blast to get through. All in all, Lotte is a really good mid to long range mage, especially with his bombs (usually frost bombs that chill people on contact) and poisons that he can spread fast with his wind magic.

Background: Lotte's a normal guy from a normal merchant family. He's pretty smart and knows how to handle himself in most social gatherings. He graduated as one of the best students of High Cloud Academy, one of his world's well renowned education facilities. He has a pharmacist degree, and he's just starting a job as an alchemy teacher in said Academy.

Personality: Lotte's kind of a social butterfly, and is respectful and rather modest for someone who realized his achievements. He's kind to people, friendly with most, and thinks himself an 'exemplary normal guy'. Lotte's gained much renown as the famed tactician of a really successful monster hunting group, and he values preparation and information sharing very much. However, Lotte is also extremely, extremely impulsive; and can be kind of naïve when handling certain situations. He is especially prone to being manipulated by people that he puts his trust in.

Weaknesses: As stated already, Lotte is by no means a warrior; he's a pharmacist and alchemist. While he can make pretty effective healing potions, pain killers and salves, healing in his world does not happen instantly, he has no superhuman regeneration either, so any injury he sustains might as well be permanent for a long part of the fight. His magic is strong, and he has many tricks up his sleeves, but if a melee specialist doesn't manage to help him in hand to hand combat, then there's a huge chance that he would come out in the losing side. Lotte's also overly reliant on his wind magic, poisons and bombs, and if someone is simply powerful enough to ignore them, or better at him at using them, then Lotte is pretty much a goner. Lotte relies a LOT on his wind and sound magic to gather information, so if someone has no smell or makes no noise, they could take out one of his greatest strengths. All in all, Lotte ain't no dragon killer, he ain't no hero, he's a a smart guy who can handle himself in solo situations or lead a group to victory, and that's it. .

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