8th Encounter: The Dark Side of the Lioness

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This character is so famous, I'm not even going to bother adding a bio. Seriously, if you don't know who Darth Vader is, what rock have you been living under? XD But in a nicer way of explaining to my non Star Wars savvy audience, Darth Vader is the sith lord from Star Wars, as well as the main antagonist in the original Star Wars series. 

He specializes in using the Dark Side of the force, a sort of magical force that gives one the power to move objects, tap into a person's mind, shoot lightning from your finger tips, choke an individual with the very air around them, and more. His opponent will be Hime, who's having her second battle pretty darn quickly. Who will win? Will we have an actual death this time? Keep reading to find out!)

"So... what do I owe the pleasure of such a grand army coming to visit my kingdom?" Hime sat in her throne, sipping some wine.

A tall man in black armor stood in front of her, soldiers wearing similar white armor in formation behind him. "I sensed a disturbance in the force... There is a great power here that I feel," the man spoke, his breathing loud and deep. He appeared to be relying on some sort of machine to speak, his very presence giving a sense of strength, power, and most of all... fear.

Hime smirked, sitting up. "Well, you're certainly in the right place," she responded, throwing her hair back. An almost mountain sized space cruiser stood over the kingdom, called a Star Destroyer. It had appeared sometime before this meeting, hovering above in case of any resistance. The Empire this man seemed to represent was clearly anything but friendly. The true question that stood out in Hime's eyes was whether they could be worthy allies.

"What was your name again? It escaped me," she waved her hand, as if trying to catch words that literally flew out of her ears.

The man grew impatient. "You will address me as Lord Vader. While I do sense a strong power within you, there is something much stronger that we seek. By command of the Imperial Emperor, you will tell me where to find it," Vader demanded, a hint of anger behind his voice. His fingers seemed to twitch as if preparing to do something.

Hime raised an eyebrow, her smirk growing wider. "Was that a threat I heard just now? How cute..." she had barely finished her sentence when the air around her neck suddenly tightened. Without anything touching her, her body began to be lifted from the throne as Lord Vader raised his right hand. It was cupped, as if holding an invisible throat within its grasp.

"We do not have time to deal with little girls! You may fire now!" Vader looked at his troops who aimed at the knights in the room with their rifles. Lasers fired from them all, narrowly hitting the men when an air pushed them all simultaneously. Vader's gaze turned back to Hime when a white flash violently struck his helmet. 

Hime dropped to the ground as a large chunk of his helmet crashed behind him. The sound of a beam flashing echoed in the throne room as a hateful, yellow eye stared behind Vader's helmet at her. He was beyond words now. Now was his call for battle. "You will leave this fool to me... Notify Diablos and the stupid angel of our guests outside, if you could be so kind," Hime's voice carried out, as if she were playing a game. Vader's eyes widened in fury as his hand pushed out.

A visible wind, similar to a mini tornado formed around Hime's right hand as a rapier formed, her own palm reaching back. The power of Vader's force struck against her wind, causing violent and intense gusts to blast throughout the room. The white troopers and knights were blown all around from the power of it, their bodies scattered across the room. Hime groaned as she felt herself thrust back into her chair. Vader crashed back into one of the pillars behind him, a scowl escaping his lips. Taking a step forward, he threw the red lightsaber at her. A strong sense of danger came upon her, making her leap over it as she dashed at him.

Pulling the saber back, Hime tried jumping over Vader when he caught her again with his force grip. With her palms, she barely stopped the beam sword from plunging violently into her back. The air around her wind pipe being crushed with the amount of power Vader was using, Hime's crimson eyes began to glow as a tornado erupted in the throne room. The dark knight was thrust into it, the pillars in the room ripping apart from the power of it. Even the lightsaber was struck aside like a mere stick as the pillars began to strike with terrible force into his body.

Power began to surge quickly into Vader as he barely managed to withstand the attacks, a great force bursting from him. The impulse was so strong that the tornado was dispersed, his dark cloak flying behind him as he used the force to allow himself to land safely. Looking above, his head was crushed into the ground as Hime's heel kicked down. Flipping over his back, she swung around. Barely summoning his saber back into his hand in time, her blade was cut like butter as she swerved away from his attack.

Don't we sell a similar weapon in our shops? I would've never thought it held so much power, Hime thought wildly to herself as she ducked and barely sidestepped against Vader's wild swings. A single touch of his weapon and she would be done for. White flashes began to strike against him at incredible speeds, his saber hardly deflecting them as he went on the defensive. No matter... I don't need a sword to win this fight, she thought confidently to herself.

Her hands reaching out to two of the scattered broken pillars, sending them hurtling at Lord Vader. With impressive speed, he dodged one while slicing through the other. Loud crashes echoed in the room as Hime threw object after object at her oppressor. "Enough!" Vader shouted, force repulsing from his body again. Just before her body was thrown back, her hand reached out as the air grasped his helmet. Closing her palm into a fist, the helmet squished in Vader's head, blood splattering as he didn't even get to utter a scream.

Flipping around, Hime caught herself on the wall behind her. Vader's corpse slowly collapsed onto the floor as the castle began to shake heavily. She barely held her balance as sounds of explosions could be heard from outside. Running to the window, Hime smirked wildly to herself as she saw the Star Destroyer in flames as it crashed into the mountain adjacent to the kingdom. Explosions and volts of electricity flew in the air above it, giving a clear indication that Leon and Katie had received the message. "Well now... I suppose Damien has quite a mess to clean up," Hime said quietly to herself, skipping to Lord Vader's body. 

Picking up the weapon he used, she noticed that the beam was gone. Gripping it in her palm, the red laser reformed. Awed at its beauty, Hime pressed it into Vader's dead body to test it out, watching as it melted through his body and armor like nothing. "Perhaps I should have another duel with Diablos using this weapon..." she giggled to herself at the idea.

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