day 17

6 1 0

an encounter

she said lovely too often,

and smelled too strongly

of cheap, lavender spray.

she was a mix of papers,

and a pillow too many,

but her words were soft.

she spoke gently to me

as she explained things

that had to occur to me.

i needed a test of sorts,

one to judge my mind,

and question my soul.

i became so frightened,

instantly, i did, as i fear

the investigating of me.

no tests for me, no sir.

i am perfectly fine as is.

but deep down i knew it.

i knew this wasn't true,

she's right on all accords,

this strange lady is right.

so with more hand shakes,

and quiet whispers with

her and someone i know,

i was gone, off to elsewhere.

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