day 13

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an oasis

jade and magenta colored jewels now gleam around me, wet with the dawn mistings. clean waters wash themselves awkwardly over an abundance of jagged shapes. stretching above me are the earthly skyscrapers, all competing for the sun's love. i stand firm in my place of rest, in the wondrous cleanliness that has soothed my soul. my breaths have become even with the crisp, morning air, which whips itself about. the blurred antics of days gone past flutter behind as ravenous beings, with scribbled faces and dizzied heartbeats. my once poisonous veins now pulse through their own hearts. those dark masses and that gray sheet now hover in the distance far behind my being. they come back, however, the fierce winds hastily force the storm to surround me. yet, i manage to find an oasis of sorts, a quiet peace that wraps its safety around me.

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