chapter 17

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Recap of chapter 16: Kyle controls water from a swimming pool.Vanessa gives him King Lucas's sword and a book containing the story.We got to know about the villain and where he came from and that he initially worked with a guy named Voltar.



That evening after an intense sword fight  session Kyle ,Ashley and Vanessa decided to play a game of cards.The three of them were upstairs and Kyle was trying to distribute the cards with his new power to control the air but in vain.Vanessa and Ashley were rolling on the floor laughing at Kyle."Do you nee help your highness?"Vanessa smirked. "I am going to do it one day you know?" Kyle said winking."I have tennis practice in the morning guys So I am going to sleep good night" Yawned Ashley."Good night Ashley."Said Vanessa and Kyle in unison.

After Ashley left the room and Vanessa sat on the chair and Kyle joined her."You know Vanessa I really like you and I have had a crush on you ever since the first time you walked into my classroom". Said Kyle taking Vanessa's hand."I like you too Kyle and if you want to date me or something I think we should  wait till everything about you is sorted out" she said with a sad smile on her face."Kyle do you want to go to the place where the island sunk?"Vanessa asked."Do you have a flight ticket ?" Kyle wondered."No silly there is another way we can go there. " She said and closed her eyes concentrating.

A portal of fire opened up in front of him and it was expanding in size by the moment ,and Vanessa  said "come on " and jumped into it without any hesitation as if she did this everyday.Kyle jumped into it and he could see fire around him but could not feel the heat.It was a long drop and he could see Vanessa floating below him .Kyle was not able to relax for some reason, maybe he was nervous that he was going to see his island.The ride through the portal was over before he knew it.

He landed face first into sand.His mouth tasted of sand and he lifted his head and spit it out and his eyes opened wide when he realized where he was.He was in a beach with palm trees everywhere.The time was 4 in the evening.The place he landed was near the sea.The water was extremely clear ."Hey Kyle you okay?"Vanessa asked running up to him ."Yes I am fine"he said dusting sand off his clothes." The place where your island is on the other side of the forest"she said pointing to a very scary island."Why don't I see any people around?"asked Kyle."The people of Brazil avoid this place I don't know why "said Vanessa.

"We are in BRAZIL?"shrieked Kyle."Well it is pretty obvious We are not in the United states"Vanessa rolled her eyes."We have to get back home in four hours"said Vanessa.They stepped into the forest and started walking toward the other side.It was a very scary but magnificent Jungle.They continued on their path with Kyle close behind Vanessa and all of a sudden Kyle felt something.He felt the presence of fresh water nearby .

He started walking faster and then he found himself in front of a river  and it was an absolutely beautiful sight .The river had rocks  in it and the water just kept flowing .The whole place was covered by trees like they were preventing heat from reaching the water to keep it cool.

The whole place was covered by trees like they were preventing heat from reaching the water to keep it cool

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"Kyle I know you love this place but we have to go"said Vanessa."Okay let us go "Kyle replied.They continued waking into the deeper part of the jungle ."Kyle if you see anything like a pendant ,you must alert me"Vanessa said a little seriously.Kyle felt someone following them but when he turned around he found no one.

"Greetings my King"said a man who came behind him.Kyle turned around and found him face to face with Alistair."Are you looking for this?"he asked holding a pendant in his hand.It was the pendant with the symbol of Andros on it."With this I can get Andros back up the surface and rule the world because Hera is powerless without this"he said grinning.Kyle lifted his hands and then he couldn't believe what he was doing.Alistair was flying in the air for a minute and then with his magic power came back down."You must fight me. "he said grinning clearly seeing that Kyle was not trained.

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