chapter 23

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           The island's barrier was breaking and Kyle had to somehow bring it back to the surface or else this new change in his life would be of of use. The others did not know that the island was about to go in ruins.He felt grateful that Vanessa had bought him here to give him a tour or he could not have had a chance to save the island.

"I am king Lucas Icaria ,this is my island ,my home and I will do anything to save it ."he thought to himself . All of a sudden Kyle started flying in the air ,he couldn't understand what was going on. All of the trees started to dance like crazy all the leaves were flying aimlessly.Kyle felt he had so much energy to carry the most heaviest thing on earth.He didn't understand where the energy was coming from. Kyle looked down at Vanessa and Elliot they were staring at him flabbergasted."What is going on here ?"screamed Alistair.

Vanessa and Elliot and were released from their clutches and landed on the ground with a perfect flip. "The island's forces are lending their energy too help us Kyle. " Vanessa said with the widest grin on her face.Alistair took the pendant of his neck and lifted it to the air ."I will rule this island ." He screamed to on one in particular. The trees on the island started to dance in a very wild fashion as if stating their rejection and leaves were flying everywhere.Kyle felt some drops of his water fall on him and it was only then did he remember that the barrier around the island was breaking apart.Kyle landed on the ground.

He had to snatch the pendant out of Alistair's hand.He recalled something Vanessa had said about the pendant.The island can go up to the surface only if Hera is in full power and only if Kyle gets the pendant its possible.Kyle closed his eyes and concentrated his energy of the sky towards Alistair and then Alistair was shot into the sky along with his minions and luckily for Kyle he dropped the pendant on his way.

Kyle ran toward the pendant and picked it up. He turned to Vanessa and asked her what to do now.Elliot snapped his fingers and a sword appeared in his hand.He knelt to the ground and said" we must go to Ricado ( the center of the island where king Lucas found the pendant as a child) where  you will declare that you are the reincarnation of the king and must sacrifice two drops of your blood and must thrust the sword into the ground."explained Elliot . "This is to show Hera and the island that you are back" he added.

"How long do I have to do all this? "Kyle inquired."one and a half hours for the summer solstice to end ,and a summer solstice comes once in 50 years and the barrier of the island wont last that long."reminded Vanessa."How far is Ricado from here?"he asked.

"We don't know Kyle ,no one knows the location of Ricado it never was easily tracked ."said Vanessa."Hera made the location impossible to find so that people could not gain access to the power."she explained."King Lucas stumbled upon it by accident "Elliot told them."Hera's magic confuses the person who nears Ricado in such a way we would have crossed the location and would never know."shrugged Elliot.

"So can't Hera reverse the spell or something?"Kyle asked."She is powerless now due to the absence of the pendant so she cannot reverse her own spell." said Elliot frowning.

"Tell me Elliot what are the chances I can save the island ?"Kyle wondered."I am sorry to say this Kyle but the chances are very less."he said."What if I cannot save the island and it gets destroyed because of the water and what happens to the pendant?" Kyle asked with a lot of fear in his voice. "The pendant is the reason  the five elements are intact and the world is in a proper state it's place is over here in Ricado , Andros if not then the world will be no more"said Elliot.

"My point is , it is in your hands right now to save the world." he smiled.Kyle gulped nervously clearly sure that they were all doomed.

Hi guys we are nearing the end of the book.Tell me what you think.Just click the star button on the top and leave a comment.So what do you think will Kyle do it all in time?We shall see in the upcoming chapters.

Until then bye bye

Loads of love 


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