chapter 24

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The three of them started to run toward the center of the island .They had to reach there before Alistair did by any chance.That old freak was sneaky.Kyle had the sword in his hands.His legs started to turn to lead but he had no time.All of a sudden Kyle missed his mom.He wished he was a normal kid who could stay at home and hang out with his friends .

They were running he felt like they had been running for days.It was a beautiful island and Kyle felt guilty he could not stop to admire nature."Kyle can you hurry up !" screamed Vanessa."Coming Van!" he said in the same tone she said it.They continued to run after a minute or two the unthinkable happened.An arrow came flying and almost pierced Kyle's nose the hard way.

A person in a hoodie pounced on Kyle.They started to fight she didn't get off Kyle Vanessa and Elliot ran over and tried to push her of but this girl was tough as a bolder.Kyle could not reach his sword  and then all of  a sudden "Peto"screamed Vanessa.Kyle's attacker froze and she started to raise and was flying in the air like Nicole was that day.

The girl removed her hood and screamed ,"let me go you witch!".Kyle and Vanessa were gaping at her.The girl was Nicole.Kyle was pretty sure Nicole would run away at the sight of an ant much less attack Kyle like a warrior. "Nicole what are you doing here?"Kyle asked her."I am a faithful assistant to Alistair and I need the Pendant ." Spat Nicole. Kyle was flabbergasted ,Nicole would never work under anyone she was always in the top.Something was not right ."How do you know Alistair?"asked Vanessa. 

"Why should I tell you that ?"She retorted."Viente!"said Vanessa and Nicole fainted and fell to the ground with a thud .They ran over to her and  Vanessa lifted her arm there was a symbol on it .This is the symbol Alistair had on his arm.He must have got these tattoos during the ritual."What ritual?"inquired Kyle."Nobody other than the rulers of Andros can handle and take control of the pendant.Years ago a rule was passed in the court that if anyone other than your family was eligible to rule Andros they had to perform the ritual."He must have somehow done it."Shrugged Vanessa.

Kyle felt a strong tug of magical power .The pendant was glowing .He took it out of his neck. "Ricado"he breathed."This is it ,this is where I Kneel right?"he confirmed .Vanessa nodded.It started to drizzle on a very mild scale ."The barrier is breaking hurry Kyle."Vanessa gestured.

"Do you think I will let that happen?"Snarled Alistair from behind them.He attacked Kyle with his sword .They started to fight.Kyle threw the pendant to Vanessa he ran to Vanessa who threw it to Elliot ,this continued for a while when Alistair got frustrated and tired.He pushed Kyle who slammed into the tree.His head hurt and he might have twisted his broken his hand and must have broken his hand he was bleeding as well.He got up and took out his sword.Kyle was limping.

"Vanessa on the count of three!"he screamed.He had a plan in mind.Vanessa was really smart she understood and smiled.Vanessa threw the pendant which was now in her hand after their little game.She threw it and at before it could fall in the same time ,Kyle with all the force despite of his pain thrust his sword into the ground.Alistair was so confused because of the multiple action then he realized what was happening."No!"he screamed.He ran toward Kyle and the ground started trembling with so much of force it knocked all of them to the ground.

Hi guys we are coming to and end of this book.Thank you all so much for your support.Let us wait and see what happens in the next chapter which maybe the last one.

Loads of love 


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