chapter 11

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Hello to my lovely readers here is another chapter

Have a nice time reading:)

Kyle's p.o.v

Kyle went to sleep after having a nice chat with his mom and best buddies.They were a bit scared for him .He convinced them that he would be fine.He was just going to have to bring a submerged island back up the surface."Yeah no big deal."He let out a sarcastic laugh.How was he going to do all that?The answer to that question was that, he did not know.He went to sleep thinking about all of this.

He dreamed that he was in a palace .The place looked and smelled evil.It was a huge palace.He was dumbstruck.He was standing in the middle of a hallway.Which looked like cloud tower from the Winx club.He was standing in the dark hallway .The place was majestic.He started walking towards the dark interiors.The floor creaked under his footsteps.He continued to walk.He reached a stairwell which was as narrow as a stairwell could be.He gulped and started climbing up ,holding on to the fragile  railing like his life depended on it.He reached the top "finally"he thought panting.He again found himself in a long hall way."What the hell."he muttered. He walked a little further inside "creepy castle"he muttered."Lord, sorry I thought this  is a palace"he said to himself.

There was a huge door made of oak wood at the end of the hall.He could hear voices behind the door and he listened."He must be destroyed before he knows about his past life ."said the first voice.He was sure he had  heard that raspy voice somewhere.Then it hit him,it was the monsters who attacked him the other day."Oh man!"said Kyle.Then he turned around and his heart nearly stopped.Behind him stood a man ,he wore a cape and looked very evil.His hair was a complete mess(a look villains prefer).He looked thin and tall and was slightly muscular.He didn't notice Kyle standing there.

"Boys !"he cried.The monsters turned around and noticed the man standing there."Yes master Alistair"they said and bowed."So he is Alistair"thought Kyle.Alistair opened his mouth to speak and then for some reason he sounded like his mom."Kyle wake up ,you are getting late."she said.After that he woke up and realized he was drenched in sweat."What happened Kyle ?"asked his mom worried."I had a bad dream"he said and started to tremble."What am I  going to do?"Kyle groaned.

Vanessa's p.o.v

Vanessa woke up that morning and got ready for school.She went downstairs for breakfast and was greeted by her parents."Good morning mom and dad."she said."Good morning sweetie"greeted Elliot.

A/n:Hey guys back with another chapter.This is a bit short ,sorry about that.I hope you guys liked it.Thanks for all your support.Please do vote and comment.So yes Vanessa is the daughter of Elliot.Kyle's adventure will get more and more interesting.Stay tuned for updates on "The reincarnated soul"and please continue to be the beautiful readers you guys are.Please forgive me if there are any errors.The book is unedited.

Loads of love


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