It is 2:04am here; where I am me
And then dreaming, you are you.There is me; contemplating, aching, awake
But then there's you?
You are the salt of seas
The shine of stars.See you as you , that's all I want.
But you are asleep and I am me.A mess, solemn, sinking
All is well, you are unaware, sleep.This wouldn't be me if it wasn't clean, careless
And you?
Well you wouldn't be you if you knew.-n|s
It's Never Daisies
Poetry12 | 11 | 16 -A collection of long poems I've written -Post as I write publishing schedule -All these poems are my own work -No general theme Thank you for your time and thank you to everybody who has helped and or inspired me along the way. -n|s