Hogwarts is Hiring

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"So, what do you think?" Ichigo shrugged in his seat. He was currently sitting across from Dumbledore in the latter's office. It was three days from the beginning of the fall semester, and Ichigo had all of his supplies, he just needed to know what he was actually going to be doing.

"Well, I believe it would be better if we have you placed as a peacekeeper."

Ichigo stared at the man before him and arched an eyebrow. "A peacekeeper? Hogwarts has never had one of those before, I would know."

"The cover would be that you're just keeping the rising tension between the Gryffindors and Slytherins at bay. In actuality, however, you would really be keeping an eye on Potter and and the like."

Ichigo leaned back in his chair, smirking. "That seems so silly that it just might work, professor."

"Please, Lord Ichigo, just Albus is fine."

"Perhaps in private, if you address me as just 'Ichigo'. But we must address each other correctly in view of the students so that we don't arouse suspicions. That's the last thing we need at the moment."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "Alright, Ichigo. Anyways, now that we're alone, I've been meaning to ask you how you knew about Minerva and I. After all, you've been sealed for centuries."

Ichigo closed his eyes and sighed.

"I figured you would ask me at some point. When I was sealed, I entered a trance-like state, and I was unable to burn up my mounting magic. In order to release it, I began to observe the magical world through the magic that courses through every wizards' and creatures' viens. I could do it now, if I so wished, but it would use up all of my energy, and return me to that trance." he answered.

Dumbledore's eyes gleamed in wonder, "To be connected with every magical being in the world, it must be astounding, I couldn't even imagine such a concept."

Ichigo's features took on a crestfallen appearance. At once, Dumbledore regretted his inquiry. "There is so much wonder in the world," Ichigo began, "so much beauty. I observed the rise of kingdoms and nations, of rulers and leaders. I saw the innovations and creations and inspiration that this glorious world had to offer, from both children and adults alike. I saw weddings and births, and all things full of passion of emotion."

Ichigo paused for a moment.

"With this in mind, I saw so much destruction, so much devastation. I've seen wars and battles, the fall of nations and kingdoms. I've seen the fall of good people and the rise of corrupt. I've seen so much death. All of the funerals, the grief and loss, the murder and thievery. I've experienced the loss of every stillborn child in the past nine centuries. I've witnessed so much pain, more than any other could ever imagine."

"But, I've also seen the birth of Harry Potter. I saw how his mother sacrificed herself for her child for nothing short of true love. I've seen him grow and learn, develop his magic, gather friends, and face astounding obstacles... We can never truly hide from grief and pain, but we can always overcome them. This is the reason I accepted your request, because this world needs a little more hope. Because I'm tired of watching the wicked have their way."

Dumbledore was silent. "You really have seen it all, haven't you?" he whispered. All Ichigo could do was nod.

"Well, no sense it worrying over it now. You have a room to get settled into. Just for appearance, I put your room between the Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms. That way, you can be close to Harry while keeping up your persona. It also relatively close to everything, so I imagine you will be able to get along smoothly throughout the school.

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