Family Reunion

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Chapter 4

Family Reunion

Thursday rolled around before Ichigo had a chance to stop it, not that he particularly wanted to anyway. The rest of the classes were uneventful, and Ichigo found that when he didn't have a joint class to observe, he would just listen in on some of the professor's lessons. He had come to find Trelawney's lessons to be the most interesting, although most of the students would disagree. Even though she was not perfect in her predictions, Ichigo knew talent when he saw it. He would know. Ichigo would often sit in her classes, as well as professor Sinistra's astronomy class. There was something about knowing the future and the idea of destiny that intrigued him.

Ichigo had a slight sense of the future, but that was being generous. Whenever Ichigo met someone, he could sense if they were meant for good or bad. It was more of a premonition than actual fact. When he first met Dumbledore, it was muddled. He was intentioned for good, but he often went about it the wrong way. When he met the original Moody, the man was purely good, despite his looks making it hard to believe. This new Moody, whoever it was, was not as good. Speaking of which, he was on his way to first class now. Although it was not a joint one, Ichigo felt he should attend, just in case the man got any ideas.

When the man mentioned curses, Ichigo eyed Moody warily. That was rather involved for the first lesson, although Ichigo had to admit, it was an important lesson for them to learn. Ichigo just hoped that they would never use them. First, Mad-Eye demonstrated the Imperius Curse, which allows the curser to control the cursed. Then he used the Cruciatus Curse, which causes terrible writhing pain to the cursed. Ichigo can see Neville begin to tremble and his face turn an unearthly shade.

"Mad-Eye, that's enough." The students and professor turned to look at Ichigo, who had been standing at the back of the classroom until now. Moody glared at him from the front of the classroom. Ichigo returned the stare, refusing to back down. With a twitch of his head, Mad-Eye stopped applying the curse.

"And finally, the killing curse. Avada Kedavra." Without looking, the professor shot the spell at his remaining spider, killing it instantly. "Class is over." The man limped out of the room, leaving the students and Ichigo alone. Confused, but not unhappy, the students began to pack up their things and go to spend of the rest afternoon how they wished. Ichigo sighed and was about to leave himself when he was stopped by none other than Harry Potter.

"Mr. Potter, can I help you?"

The boy fidgeted with his robes. His friends, Hermione and Ron, were standing behind him. "Well, sir, I just wanted to thank you for your help yesterday with Malfoy."

"I see. Don't worry about it, I'm just doing my job."

Harry's eyes focused on the floor, as if he was expecting a more pleasing answer. Ichigo smiled, "But, if you ever do find yourself in need of help, just let me know. I'm a lot more competent than I look, believe me." With that, Harry's face brightened.

"Thanks, Mr. Kuros--"

"Please," Ichigo held up his hand, his features twisted in a grimace. "If I hear that one more time, I think I'm going to snap. Ichigo is just fine, you three. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to attend to in my chambers." It was a lie, obviously, but Ichigo felt the conversation would quickly grow awkward, and he was not in the mood for that. He retired to his room, and like every other night, he read while drinking a warm pot of green tea from the kitchens, courtesy of Dobby.

The next morning Ichigo catches Harry sneaking off to Owlry. As much as Ichigo wished to spy on the boy, he knew that it wouldn't be right. The boy was probably just sending a message off to a girl or something, and Ichigo wanted no part in that. The wonders of young love was something that Ichigo dared not venture into. Ichigo prefered to stay to what he knew, and although that list was extensive, love was not included.

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