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Chapter 8


To say Ichigo was nervous, would be an understatement. The man had seen, fought, and bested many different beings in his life, but he would never go anywhere near a dragon. I mean, just look at the things! They could chop his body in half with just one bite, and to think that this was the first challenge. Ichigo couldn't help but watch in trepidation as the contestants entered the champions' tent from his spot in the stands. Unfortunately, he did not have clearance to enter the tent. Although he was sure that Dumbledore could give it to him, he knew that there was a reporter was inside there, and he thought it best to stay away. Ichigo felt bad for both Harry and Fleur.

He considered both of him to be his friends, and the last thing he wanted was to pin them against each other. But Ichigo had a job to do, protect Harry's body from harm, and he couldn't do that very well from inside the tent either. At least up here, he could cast a charm or two here and there rather inconspicuously. This was the first time he's seen the other students since he got sick, and it was nice. He only spoke to the few who noticed him in the stands, two of them being Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom.

"Ichigo, how nice it is to see you up and about. I do hope you are feeling better."

Ichigo smiled. "I am feeling much better, thank you Luna."

The young blonde smiled in reply. "I hope you don't mind if Neville and I join you?" Ichigo shook his head and the two sat next to him. Luna was wearing a rather strange outfit -- as usual -- but Ichigo choose not to comment on it. Whatever made her happy. Neville seemed his usual nervous self, although Ichigo knew he was beginning to build up some self-confidence. Ichigo was glad for the boy, he needed some thicker skin. His knowledge of herbology was unmatched, and Ichigo knew that he was destined for great things.

They made light conversation, nothing too mentally challenging. At least, Ichigo didn't think it was, his chest was lurching more and more the longer it took for the champions to leave their protective tent. Not that he wanted to hurry up the process at all, it was dragons. His friends were in danger, and although he was slowly regaining his strength, he wasn't sure what use it would be, against a dragon. Honestly, he had no idea how people wanted to work with them for a living. He listened as Luna and Neville prattled on about their classes, and what had been happening with the students. Neville spoke with him about how the Slytherins were starting to act up since he was MIA -- and just when Ichigo thought he was making some sort of progress.

Everyone silenced when the first champion left the tent. Even from his seat high in the stands, Ichigo could make out the slim form of Fleur as she cautiously stepped out into the field. Her chosen dragon hissed at her as she neared. Ichigo's hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he took in the scene. His magic began to simmer under his skin as he watched the dragon try and swipe at the girl. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Although the rush of adrenaline was one he hadn't felt in a long time, he didn't want to push himself too hard. No, until he knew what was going on, he couldn't afford to be rash.

He settled once he noticed that the dragon was asleep. He smiled in pride as Fleur danced around the dragon. Ichigo could only imagine the fear and stress that was racking through her thin frame, but she didn't let it phase her. She was strong, he knew, and he was confident in her abilities, even though she was going up against dragons. After a very unfortunate wardrobe malfunction on the dragon's part, she was able to collect the egg. Ichigo was more than happy to applaud her for her job well done. She disappeared back into the tent after giving him a small wave and smile.

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