Tainted Memories

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Chapter 10

Tainted Memories

"Lord Ichigo!"

Said man turned behind him to watch his apprentice approach him. "Merlin, please, I've asked you not to call me that."

The middle-aged man shook his head at his mentor. "No matter how many times you ask, I just can't. You've created everything that we are, and you've been my personal mentor for almost two decades now. The amount of respect I hold for you holds no bounds, sire."

Ichigo sighed as he pulled the scarf tighter around his neck. "Still doesn't hurt to try. C'mon, it's bloody freezing out here." The two entered a relatively new tavern on the relatively new Diagon Alley. Ichigo was working personally with the ministry to create a safe haven for magical folk, but the progress was slow and taxing.

The smell of butter beer and greasy meat assaulted the men's noses as soon as the door opened to the establishment. They pick a table off to the side and out of the way, after all, they weren't exactly unknown wizards, and they wished to converse in peace. "Merlin, I was searching and found a book that I want you to read." Ichigo pulled out a hefty leather-bound book from his satchel and slid it across the table. The younger wizard accepted the parcel and opened it, staring at the small handwriting lining the pages.

"Honestly, I'll never know how you manage to find all the books that you do. I don't even want to imagine how much you've spent on your collection."

Ichigo waved his hand dismissively. "You just have to know the right people. Plus, I've lived for an extremely long time, so my contact list is quite extensive." The two laughed as a woman approached the table.

"What can I get for you boys... oh my word, are you...?"

Ichigo sighed while Merlin laughed some more at his mentor's expense. "Yes, yes we are. We'd prefer, however, if you didn't make a big deal out of it ma'am." Merlin winked and the woman blushed.

"Of, of course! I just saw his hand wave, so I thought he wanted to order something."

Ichigo smiled, but shook his head. "No, sorry. I was just speaking with my friend here."

"Oh, but my lord, please, I insist! I'll be right back with our best butterbeer." With that, the woman scurried off to the kitchen of the tavern. Ichigo scowled and murmured profanities under his breath.

Merlin nudged his arm playfully. "Awe, c'mon Lord Ichigo, accept at least a little of what's offered to you."

"But I don't want it," the shinigami protested, slumping down into his seat. "I just want to go outside and be treated like a normal, everyday wizard."

"Are you kidding? Everyone in the wizarding community knows who you are. You are the founder of our kind, the Ebon Phoenix, you deserve the praise given to you. All the work you've done, all the people you've saved, it's the least people like us can do."

"But I'm the one that caused it."

Merlin glared at Ichigo. "Did you out the wizards and witches?"

"Well, no." he answered.

"Did you hunt them down and take them from their homes?"

"That has nothing to do with--"

"Then tell me, did you tie the nooses? Light the pyres? Chain the weights to their ankles?"

Ichigo looked at him, offended. "Of course I didn't!"

Merlin sat back in his chair. "Then I don't understand why you feel that you're responsible for things the muggles have done."

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