Linked Dreams

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Chapter 9

Linked Dreams

"Ichigo, to say I'm concerned would be an understatement." Said man fidgeted in his chair across from Dumbledore's desk.

"Believe me, Albus, I'm just as confused as you are. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I meant what I said back in the infirmary, it was a dream, just a dream, but it's affected my magic, and my physical health. Even I am at my wit's end trying to figure out what it is." Winky placed a timid hand on her master's arm in an attempt to soothe him.

It wasn't a surprise that Dumbledore would try and figure out what had happened to Ichigo once he was able to use his magic again. Ichigo, at first, had not been too disturbed by the event, but the more he thought about it, the more confused and worried he became and his nervousness did not go unnoticed by those closest to him. "Whatever the cause," Ichigo continued, "it needs to be dealt with."

How am I supposed to protect people if I can't even protect myself...?

A hesitant knock at the door of Dumbledore's office brought the two out of their thoughts. A scraggly black-haired boy entered the room, "Professor?"

"Ah, Harry, come in! I'm glad you could join us," Dumbledore chimed. Harry stepped further into the room and sat down next to Ichigo, confusion spread across his face. "You see, Mr. Kurosaki, Harry has problems with nightmares quite often, and now that you've gotten a rather nasty one, I can't help but feel the two are related."

Ichigo turned to the boy. "Harry, why didn't you tell me you had nightmares?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know, it just didn't seem that important, but if you're having them too... maybe Professor Dumbledore's right." Ichigo nodded in agreement as Dumbledore moved to the side of his office and waved his hand as what appeared to be a large ornate hand washing bowl appeared. Ichigo and Harry both stood and joined Dumbledore.

"What is it?" Ichigo asked.

"A Pensieve," Dumbledore answered. "It allows one to view another's memories, and hopefully, help us get to the bottom of what's ailing you, Mr. Kurosaki."

Ichigo's eyebrow raised. "And what did you have in mind, headmaster?"

"Simple," the man pressed his wand against the side of the shinigami's head and pulled out a glowing blue strand. "This is your dream, at least, what you can remember of it. I'm going to place it in the pensieve, and Mr. Potter and I are going to watch it. Dreams are powerful things, as I'm sure you're aware. Best for us to get an idea of what we're working with."

Ichigo nodded, giving his consent, although, he wasn't entirely sure he had a choice. He watched as Dumbledore placed the strand into the water, and as he and Harry dunked their heads in as well. It was several minutes later when they both emerged, their breaths short and faces full of concern.

"That, I mean, that was," Harry stumbled. Ichigo guided the young wizard to a chair as Dumbledore found the way to his. The three sat across from each other, dismay etched across their features. "That dream," Harry continued, "I've had the same exact one. It's Voldemort sitting in the chair, I know it is, but why did you have the same dream Ichigo? You've never even met the man, and you said the dream took away your magic, but it never did anything like that to me."

"Perhaps..."Dumbledore mumbled to himself. He looked towards Ichigo, who returned his gaze. "Mr. Kurosaki, you said that you were connected to every wizard, because, they all have a piece of your power... do you think that's what's causing this?"

Ichigo leaned back in his chair and rubbed the back of his head. "Although that's true, it's not quite as simple as that, I'm afraid. I'm not so much connected to the actual wizard, but to their magic specifically. I can spread out my own magic, and connect to versions of my magic within other wizards, and sense the world through it. This process, however, is very taxing, so I cannot do it on a whim, I enter a similar trance-like state to the one you awakened me from, and even then, my mind and body are not strong enough to retain all of the information I gather, so I quickly forget small details and events, only remembering what's important."

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