Back to School

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Chapter 3

Back to School

"I'd also like to introduce our new Defense against the Dark Arts professor, Alastor Moody." The large man sitting at the end of the professor table gave a curt nod and wave to the students who filled the great hall. Ichigo clapped with the rest of the students. It was the first day of the fall semester, and they had just sorted the new students into their houses. Ichigo was currently seated between Dumbledore and Snape. Although only teachers were allowed at the table, Dumbledore thought that Ichigo -- being the founder of the wizarding world and all -- should have a seat next to him.

"Also, I've made the decision to hire a peacekeeper at Hogwarts to deal with the rising tensions between the houses. Please welcome Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo stood for a moment, nodded, and sat back down. The students had been too concerned with their new teacher with a strange eye to pay Ichigo any mind. The reaper wasn't sure how to feel about the concept. He supposed it was better than them questioning him and the like. His eyes migrated to the Gryffindor table as he honed in on the chosen child. He was talking with his friend, Weasley, and was staring at Mad-Eye. Their other friend, Hermione, however, was staring at Ichigo. Perhaps staring was too strong of a word, eyeing, would fit more.

Dumbledore explained about the goblet of fire and how it was being held at Hogwarts that year. He explained the rules and about the schools coming to visit. The new staff was quickly forgotten as students began to anxiously chat about the event. Once the food appeared, they stuffed themselves and talked about their summers. Ichigo picked at his food, sitting in silence. Dumbledore was talking with Minerva, and Snape wasn't speaking at all, so he was left. When he heard someone yell-whisper his name, he looked down the table and saw Hagrid motioning him to come over.

The wizard stood up and slide to the other side of Dumbledore. There was an empty seat next to Hagrid at the end of the table. It was supposed to be Mad-Eye's, but he had conjured his own chair and was sitting off to the side. Ichigo eyed the man sitting down. He could sense that the man sitting there was not the true Alastor Moody. At least, not the one who was present when he was reawakened. This Mad-Eye was much darker. Ichigo knew that he would have to keep his identity to himself, then, since this Moody didn't know about him.

Ichigo also knew that he would have to keep the switch of wizards to himself as well. Being who he was, and with his capabilities, he could not interfere with anything. The only thing he could do was protect Harry physically, not alert him to lurking tables. Ichigo would not use magic in anyway during this fight. Ichigo could not pick sides, not with his influence. Voldemort had lackies that protected him physically, so Ichigo had no reservations about that, but everything else up to Harry.

His katana -- zanpakuto -- had lost its luster over the years. It had manifested in his gigai, and was now accessible to him in that way. It was also permanently fixed in its bankai state, unable to switch back to shikai no matter how much Ichigo had tried. He could no longer perform the larger abilities, such as getsuga tenshou, or call on his mask, but still had largely increased speed when fighting and could use flash step. Zangestu himself had stayed with him, since their souls were intertwined, but his hollow had become weaker and weaker. He could still speak with Zangestu, but there was nothing to really speak of anymore. His Hollow was difficult to communicate with, probably because there was no other hollow in this world to gain strength from, but he was still there, just barely.

Ichigo's inner world had also taken on a new form. Not only was it for his little soul reaper abilities, but his wizarding abilities as well. It now looked like a reading room, with a fireplace and armchairs, as well as infinitely tall bookshelves lining the walls. Floating around the room was white spheres, all of them connected in different ways and were different sizes. They represented all those with magic, all of those he was connected with. It was where he spent his sealment, but he had no choice about what he saw or experienced. He would often find Zangestu in there, reading or exercising.

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