Fleur Delacour

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Chapter 7

Fleur Delacour

Something seemed to snap within Winky once she became Ichigo's elf. She did everything with a new vigor, a new purpose. Ichigo honestly didn't know how he felt about it, but he supposed it was a good thing. She was always behind him, like a shadow, despite his pleadings to walk next to him instead. Ichigo was slowly beginning to gain back his strength and as such, his exercises were gaining more vigor as well. Talking walks throughout the grounds during the day was one of them.

Despite it being the middle of november, Ichigo found that it was quite warm outside, and made that his destination. Winky followed him as usual, the little pitter patter of her feet soothing the old shinigami. He wasn't used to being waited on like this, but her presence was reassuring in a way, dependable, if you would. Ichigo smiled when he stepped outside, a cool breeze ruffling both his hair and kimono. His sandals crunched the stiff grass underneath his feet as he moved towards a bench, sitting down on the smooth stone.

"Winky, please don't sit on the ground. There's plenty of room on the bench next to me." Ichigo pleaded.

"Do not worry about Winky, sir. Winky likes the ground, it is soft and I like the smell of the Earth. It is very soothing for Winky, yes it is. But... Winky is thankful that she has such a kind master, that she is."

Ichigo smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I suppose as long as you don't mind... But if you change your mind, don't hesitate to say so." The elf nodded, which put the man's mind to rest. The warmth of the sun beat down on his back, and he smiled, content. He closed his eyes and rested against the back of the bench, nearly falling asleep.

"Excusez-moi, may I sit next to you?"


"Charlotte, who is that man over that?" Fleur asked her friends as they walked the grounds of the castle.

"Qui?" Fleur pointed at a man sitting on one of the benches, a house elf at his feet. "Oh, that man. He must be important if he has a house elf. I have not met him myself, but I've heard the students here talking about him. Apparently he is sick? Je ne sais pas, but they seem to be attached to him. It is très sweet, is it not?"

Fleur glanced from her friend back to the mysterious figure. "I'm going to speak with him." Charlotte shrugged and left Fleur to her own devices. Fleur sauntered towards the bench. The elf looked at her warily, but the man seemed to pay her no mind.

"Excusez-moi," she began, "may I sit here?" The man opened his eyes, and she was shocked by how much older he looked with them older. She was also shocked by how brown they were, but that was of little consequence.

"Of course, don't mind me," he said, and closed his eyes again.

Fleur did as she was told and sat down, but she couldn't quite ignore the man. "I like your hair very much."

He opened his eyes and glanced at her, and then looked up at his hair. He smiled and laughed softly. "Thank you. I almost forget it's such an outrageous color sometimes, but I'm glad you enjoy it."

"Is it natural?" She asked.

Without missing a beat he replied, "Is yours?"

Fleur found herself quite offended. "Of course."

"Well then, there's your answer." He closed his eyes again and settled back down. "You know, today is supposed to be the last nice day of the year, so let's enjoy it while we can."

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