Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV ~

I woke up to someone shaking me

"Get up woman !" I heard someone say .

"Who said ?" I spoke in a quiet voice

"This Bitch named Kota now get cha ass outta bed ."

"Man Ight I'm up . When did you get home ?" I asked

She blushed before saying "Out with Chris ..."

"Damn you got him locked on you baby girll ."

"Haha Yeah he all mine boo boo , what you do this weekend ?"

I stood there for a minute wondering how to answer that . "I just stayed home."

She looked at me funny . " Ha girl I know you got something to tell me ."

"Haha I really don't ." I lied

"Ight girl well I gotta go meet Chris ." Kota said before walking out of my room .

"Just got home and you already leaving me ?"

"A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do ."

" Haha well bye girl !" I yelled before she left .

"The whole day to myself . I wanna tell her about Jacquees but she wouldn't believe me . JACQUEES ! I totally forgot we were gonna hang out today ." I thought before he text me .

[Babe] : Good morning beautiful . You still down for today ?

[Me] : Yeah we still meeting at the park or wherever ?

[Babe] : Actually I was wondering if I could come over ?

[Me] : Omm yeah I guess , can I at least get ready first ?

[Babe] : Haha yes babe , wear something comfortable we ain't goin' anywhere .

[Me] : Ight , see ya in a bit .

I threw my phone down and headed for the shower . I wonder why he had a change of plans .

After I finished showering , I went to my closet and put on some tight pink gym shorts , my FYB concert shirt , socks , and left my hair wavy . I soon heard my front door open .

"Jayyyy !" I heard a grown man say 

I got up to find my dad walking in the house .

"Heyy daddy . What you doin' ?"

"Just wanted to stop by and see my baby girl , I haven't seen you in a while ." he said in a happy but sad tone .

"What's wrong ?" I said giving him a hug .

"Well you gotta' go home in a week and we haven't had that much time to spend together ."

I stood there just about to cry .

"Aww baby girl don't cry ." he said in a caring voice

I could tell he was about to cry just seeing me upset .

"Haha daddy ion want you crying now ."

"Haha , it's just . I know I haven't been in your life alot and I've missed you growing up , and now you are leaving ."

"I know but I get to come back right after I finish school ?" I asked

"Yeah if you want."

Before I could say anything Jacquees walked in yellin' "Babeeeee !"

I stood there eyes wide open as my dad looked at him and back at me .

I walked over to Jacquees and pulled him to where my dad was .

When I started loving you (Jacquees love story)Where stories live. Discover now