Chapter 1

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"Name?" He barks never lifting his eyes from the sheets of paper on his desk his pen constantly poised as if ready to record anything I say. I feel really hot in his office even though the AC is on and I'm in a pair of shorts and a top. I gulp down hard. Usually the client gives us a name and we adopt it for however long we are wanted. As an escort we never give our real names in case they try to find us after we have completed our services.
"Name?" He barks again tapping his fingers impatiently against the chrome desk. His office makes me feel sad. It is a white and black décor which evidently shows, as a man, Shah Rukh Khan has no individual personality because after all a room represents a person's personality. This job is lasting six months which may make me want to scratch my eyeballs out because of the boring tone of his voice and that fact he's making me sign some contract over his working hours. At least the pay is good and if I stick it out to the end of the six months that's pay for my next two years at university.
"Do you alway ignore your clients?" Shah Rukh growls angrily finally tearing his eyes from his papers staring at me. I feel extremely put on the spot to say I've literally only just walked into his office. He looks smart though, his suit evidently tailor made with the cut fitting his muscular arms perfectly and the shirt not even stretching across his probably toned chest. I catch myself staring at him wondering why a man like him can't find a woman in this world. Isn't he everything a woman wants? Tall, dark, handsome, successful? From the look of his hands he's never wore a wedding band even though I've been told he's twenty-five.
"Um it's more of an insert name here arrangement," I bumble out feeling myself blush as his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips watching me form the words. His eyes are so hard to read. It's like they are emotionless and have no soul. Usually you can read everything from the eyes but not with Shah Rukh Khan.
"So you don't have a name?" He snaps back leaning back in his leather office chair folding his arms across his chest. I feel subconscious with his eyes on me. Usually the men I escort don't like to stare too much because they are married or feel it's immoral what they are doing. I tend to just do the function escort service but my friends who do the 'companionship' service say when you look into a man's eyes you can tell whether he's married, how many children he has and whether this is his first time with an escort.
"Um," I'm stumped by his question. Of course I have a name just one I'm not willing to share with him due to company policy. For a second I think Shah Rukh Khan is going to shout at me as his lips begin to curl up and his eyes narrow but then he just leans forward and files the papers on his desk together.
"I've never looked into escort services before. This is my first time but I will know if you're lying to me about your services. All I need you for is to attend functions with me, smile, say intelligent things and cook for me sometimes. I work all day every day so you won't see me much unless we are attending a function. Use anything in my apartment there is no need to ask and when my office door is closed do not disturb me not even to give me lunch or ask me if I want anything. If I need something I will come to you. Any questions you have when the door is shut write them down so you don't forget because I work late. Until I find out your name you will be nameless so if I click at you or mumble something that doesn't make sense that probably means I want your attention. Call me sir when you address me please. Any questions?" Shah Rukh Khan sets down the law. I shake my head his eyes staring at me intently. To say he's never used an escort service before he seems to know what he wants from it. He gestures for me to leave and I do as he asks walking out of the tinted door letting the springs shut it behind me with a puff. I stare around his apartment. It's fancy with everything you could ever wish for, big TV, surround sound, loads of books, giant fridge, comfy sofas but I still feel it has no personality. I'm beginning to regret this job... Usually I get to spend some time with the client making it more of a mutual service. I look back at the office door to see Shah Rukh Khan stood leaning against the door frame staring at me. His eyes bore holes into me making me feel giddy with a strange feeling. It's like he's playing hard to get and I want to know who he is like who he really is. Those eyes must surely have a soul somewhere shrouded in that darkness and unfeeling. I want to break it out. No I can't. I'm here to escort him to functions not to fix him. I smile as best I can noticing his eyes glancing up and down my body before resting on my lips.
"Function today at seven be ready for half six. Everything you could ever need is in the the door down there third on the right. That is your room whilst you stay here," Shah Rukh Khan points down a small hallway leading off from the open kitchen-lounge space and I nod following his finger. When I turn back he's gone. It's almost like he was never there to begin with. I sigh wondering why I'm getting so caught up on a guy I've only just met. It's just six months then I'll be back at university with no worries for the next two years. I walk in the direction of the door checking the time on the oversized clock on the wall. I've got just under two hours to get ready. I need to look my best because all clients want their 'girl' to be the best looking at these functions. To them I'm an object to enhance their aesthetic and I'm fine with that. Then I remember what Shah Rukh Khan had said. 'Say intelligent things.' What did he mean by that? I know nothing about what he does as a job so how am I supposed to sound intelligent. I enter the room gasping at its size. There is a huge king-size bed on one wall with an oversized TV facing it. Although they are the only furnishings in the room alongside a sofa the room feels huge but filled at the same time. I walk towards the wall with the two doors on it pushing one open to find an ensuite. The other leads into a huge walk in wardrobe with dressing room. It's walls are packed with clothing from expensive stores and I rub my fingers along the fabric. That's when I notice the papers filed neatly on the dressing table with a note telling me to read and absorb. So that's what he meant by 'intelligent things'. He's expecting me to become an expert on his business in less than two hours!

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