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5 Years Later

"Babu!" Jaya yells as I scoop her up into my arms.
"Haan Beti?" I kiss her podgy cheek making her giggle. Jaya is the spitting image of Kajol, she's got the same eyes, same nose, same face shape but she's got my dimples whenever she smiles.
"I don't want to go to Dadi's tonight I wanna stay with you and Ammi," she cries nuzzling her head into my neck. Things had flown so fast with Kajol. Within the year she had fallen pregnant with our first child and we had married the same year. Although she thought she wouldn't be able to finish her university course I wanted to make it possible for her. I cut down my working hours in order to take care of Jaya whilst Kajol finished her last year of university. I've never been so happy with anyone and adding Jaya into our equation made us perfect.
"Shah Rukh?" I hear Kajol call from the front door. I carry Jaya downstairs with her overnight bag seeing my mum at the door smiling. I smile back glad that I eventually made up with my parents even if they still see Vijay. They promised they'd never put Jaya in the same room as Vijay and promised that they'd never force us to go to family gatherings together and I was fine with that. Kajol smiles at me before walking past me up the stairs. She has a mischievous glint in her eye which makes me blush.
"Hi ma," I say as I reach the front door handing Jaya over to my mum. Jaya cries trying to have a tantrum but I know she'll go with my mum-she likes to treat her first grandchild to anything she asks for.
"I hope you two have a good night," my mum smirks a twinkle in her eye. Well tonight I've got a lot of work to finish that's the only reason Jaya is going to her grandparents' house no other reason. I say my goodbyes to my mum and get back to my work.


I place the last sheets of paper in the brown file before closing it. One client down just another three to go. It's already nine o'clock so I probably won't be done until the early hours of the morning. I hear the door to my office open as I begin pulling new sheets of paper from the next file.
"Shah Rukh?" Kajol asks and I look up. She looks stunning in a navy blue silk dress. I can't help but let my mouth hang open at the sight of her.
"Haan?" I stutter as she floats across the room towards me. She widens her eyes hinting I'm supposed to know something I evidently don't.
"It's date night..." Kajol says slowly and I smack my forehead. Shit I had totally forgot.
"I am so sorry," I already start my excuses. Kajol sighs, her face clearly frustrated with my lack of memory. It's also because I've rearranged our date nights the last six times. Work is just really busy at the moment but I do need to make time to spend it specifically with my wife... Alone. So that's what my mum had meant.
"You're not seriously doing work right now are you?" Kajol whines tracing her fingers across my desk as she walks around it to stand in front of me. I nod my head as she slides onto my desk pulling her lips down into a frown. God she just does something to me whenever she is around. I gulp down the urge to just press my lips on hers. I can't get lost with her right now I've got work to do.
"I totally forgot it was date night," I mumble feeling embarrassed at my admission. Kajol shrugs but I can tell she's unhappy with that fact I've got to work.
"It's okay," she licks her bottom lip and I feel butterflies spread in my stomach. I want her right now!
"Skip dinner?" I ask. Kajol nods her head a small smile creeping onto her lips.
"Skip the movie?" I ask again. Kajol nods her head a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Good day?" I ask feeling like if I'm about to kiss her and initiate sex then I should at least ask her how she's doing.
"Haan," Kajol smiles looking down at her hands, "sad you've gotta work." She bites her bottom lip.
"Haan could use some help though," I flirt.
"Maybe I could help you?" She flirts spreading her legs. I feel the heat rising in my body as I try to resist the urge to place my hands on her waist.
"Nahin," I stutter trying to act as though I don't want her opening the top button of my shirt to let some air get to me, "I'm okay." Kajol bites her bottom lip flashing me one of those looks that is begging me to take her. I let my hands travel to her thighs pushing the fabric of her dress up her legs slowly standing up. I press my lips against hers as she laces her arms around my neck kissing me back. I let my fingers tickle her inner thigh feeling her moan against my lips making me feel hard. She is just so intoxicating. I find my way to the fabric of her panties pulling them down her legs before letting them fall from her legs. I push her body backwards as she lets her hands fall to the desk pushing back against me. I undo my trousers letting them fall to my ankles before following with my boxers. As I continue to kiss Kajol's lips pushing my tongue against them trying to gain entry I push my erection into her vagina feeling her mouth open against mine as she moans. I thrust my tongue into her mouth feeling it rub against hers. She always tastes different whenever we kiss and I love it. I grind against her slowly as she uses one of her arms to wrap around my waist. I feel myself growing hotter and hotter as I start to grind harder against her. Beads of sweat start forming on my forehead with the effort of my thrusts. Kajol suddenly breaks our kiss throwing her head back as she screams out. Damn, must have caught her g-spot. Her back arches as she clenches her walls before releasing cum over my hard member. I continue thrusting feeling her cum creating extra lubrication making my movement more fluid. I start to mix up the rhythm of my grinds going from slow to hard before drawing out slowly and thrusting back in hard. I feel myself climaxing as Kajol groans loudly loving the feeling of me inside of her.
"Fuck!" I shout as I feel cum squirt into her mixing with her fluids. I'm about to pull out when Kajol uses her hand on my back to push me into her my whole body grinding against hers.
"I'm not ready," she mumbles blushing. I grab her hand from my back before withdrawing my dick and replacing it with my finger along with Kajol's. She closes her eyes as I slide more off our fingers inside of her. Her moans mingle with the smell of sex in the air as her hips beginning grinding against our fingers. I begin to thrust against her using my fingers as a guide for Kajol's. This is totally new to both of us but it just feels right. We slip and rub against her walls hitting her g-spot feeling our mixture of juices coat our fingers before Kajol climaxes again and releases for a second time. I withdraw from her clit as Kajol opens her eyes staring at me.
"That was..." words fail her as I place her fingers in my mouth sucking the juices from them letting my tongue slide against her skin.
"Incredible." I finish. It is the only word to describe how that felt. Kajol slides off the desk as I pull my boxers and trousers back up covering myself. Kajol kisses my lips before sauntering out of the room. Date nights are never usually like that but I hope they will be in the future. I try to go back to my work but just looking at my desk makes me blush knowing I've just fucked my wife on it. I decide to leave my work and go in search of Kajol. I take a quick shower before pulling on a pair of jogging shorts and a white top. I find her in the kitchen writing a shopping list fresh from having her own shower, her hair still damp and wavy around her shoulders. I wrap my arms around her waist pressing my chest into her back.
"Wanna take me in the kitchen now too?" She asks sassily making me smile.
"I'm up for it," I laugh kissing her ear. Kajol shakes her head and I know she's grinning from ear to ear just like me.
"Maybe we just watch a film?" She asks and I nod against her shoulder. Just being with her is enough for me. She breaks my hold on her walking from the kitchen into the lounger me hot on her heels. I crash on the sofa pulling a blanket from the basket under the coffee table as Kajol selects a movie (probably a mushy rom-com) before sliding it into the DVD machine.
"I love you," I say as she snuggles up next to me; I cover us in the blanket and wrap my arms around her loving the feeling of just holding her.
"I love you too," she replies lying her head on my chest. We are perfect... me, Kajol and Jaya.

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