Chapter 8.

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"This is my brother Vijay," Shah Rukh says gulping hard as I smile at his brother who in turn just stares at me before letting his eyes roll over my body. There is something about the way his lips are twitching and his eyes are clouding over that makes me feel uncomfortable standing near him. His eyes flick back up to mine narrowing slightly before he turns and walks away.
"He's always like that," he laughs guiding me out onto the balcony which is covered in the remaining light of the sun as it slowly sets. It feels perfect in Shah Rukh's arms but there is a nagging feeling at the back of my brain which won't let me just enjoy this moment. I rest my hand over Shah Rukh's heart feeling it beat against his rib cage.
"I was thinking," Shah Rukh mumbles kissing the top of my head, "maybe we can do some experimenting tomorrow?" I lift my head of his shoulder and turn to face him. I know I've been pestering since the first time he tied me up, to pleasure me again. I smile awkwardly at him feeling my face blush.
"Why do you experiment?" The question slips from my lips hanging in the air uncomfortably. The black box was so much more than just a metal frame there was so much more waiting to be discovered. I want to discover it with Shah Rukh by my side because I feel safe in his arms.
"Because my father used to beat me and so did my brother. I wanted to be dominant like them so created my own business but I was still weak around people. Experimenting allowed me to become the dominant one but you," he grabs my waist pulling me close to him, "you challenge my ability to be dominant." I smirk at him feeling his compliment wash over me. I place my hand on his cheek and rub my thumb against his skin. That's why it was awkward between him and his brother.
"You can be dominant tomorrow if you want..." I flirt wanting nothing more than to press my lips against his but sensing his mother watching us from the kitchen behind us. I bite my bottom lip watching as something lights up in Shah Rukh's eyes.
"Haan," he mumbles pushing me off him playfully. I love the way he can be so teasing it makes my insides burn with passion.
"I've got a conference call right now though so you'll have to entertain yourself," Shah Rukh sighs and I feel the smile slip from my mouth. I forgot he still has to work. I walk with him through the kitchen into the hallway to the bottom of the stairs, this is where I'll go up to my room and Shah Rukh will go and do his work. He pecks my cheek as I mount the stairs staring after him. I feel empty without his touch. I make my way to my room pushing the door open keeping my eyes trained on the floor. It feels weird how all of a sudden my whole world seems to revolve around Shah Rukh. I'm too busy wrapped up in my thoughts to notice that anyone else is in the room until I feel somebodies hands on my waist pushing me onto my bed. I turn around and find Vijay staring at me his lips parting as his eyes trail over my body.
"Vijay?" I try to sound confident not like the scared little girl I actually feel. Vijay doesn't say anything just roughly pushes me higher up the bed before kneeling on top of me trapping my legs beneath his weight.
"Vijay?" I say again trying to wriggle out of his grasp but he just grabs my wrists pushing them above my head as his lips attack my neck. I cry out in pain as his teeth bite at my flesh causing my skin to ache. His lips leave wet patches along my neck trailing down to the neckline of my v-neck top I wore to dinner. He gathers my wrists together above my head as I kick my legs beneath him trying to get him to move off me. He pinches my wrists together with one hand using the other to draw a line down my body from my chin to the top of my skirt. He licks his lips staring at the waist band of my skirt.
"Vijay what are you doing?" I ask panic evident in my voice. My legs are starting to feel numb from Vijay's weight and the look in his eye scares me, like he's a wild animal who has just seen his prey.
"Shut up," Vijay snarls angrily pushing his hand lower down my body to the bottom of my skirt before he begins crawling along my inner thigh. I clench my legs together using all my strength but this just makes Vijay angry and he digs his nails into my skin make me cry out in pain opening my legs.
"Good girl," he hisses moving his hand closer and closer to my womanhood. I feel my breathe catching in my throat as I try to shout out for help. Vijay leans his face closer to mine his breathe fanning my cheek making me squirm. I feel his fingers brush over my clit making me scrunch my face as I try to wrestle my hands from Vijay's grasp.
"I heard you in the shower," Vijay snarls against my ear making me close my eyes. He heard me with Shah Rukh, but what's that got to do with him?
"So?" I try to buck my hips to get Vijay's hand off my vagina but it just makes him chuckle as I feel his fingers slip beneath the fabric.
"I want you to scream my name baby girl," he whispers menacingly. I grit my teeth feeling tears stinging the back of my eyes as Vijay's fingers trace the length of my vagina harshly. Shah Rukh is much more gentle that Vijay is.
"Never," I hiss back causing the chuckle on Vijay's lips to stop. He pulls his face away from my neck causing more weight to be added to my legs as he sits on them. I think Vijay is reconsidering his actions when he suddenly thrusts all four of his fingers inside of me making me cry out in pain. The difference between my cries for Shah Rukh and cries for Vijay are evident. For Shah Rukh it's a soft moan which hums in the air. For Vijay it is a rough scratchy sound which hangs in the air waiting to be dispersed. I try to scream but Vijay attacks my neck again making it hard for me to suck in enough air to formulate a cry for help. Vijay starts to pump his fingers inside of me scratching against my walls hoping he'll land on my g-spot but failing miserably. I refuse to cum for him. I'm not Vijay's toy to play with... I'm Shah Rukh's. I can tell Vijay is getting tired of my non-existent moans and constant wriggle against the pain he's causing because suddenly pulls his fingers from me and slaps my face hard. I keep my eyes tightly shut not wanting Vijay to be satisfied by the tears I can feel in my eyes.
"Tell Shah Rukh about this and I'll do more than shove my fingers up your pussy," Vijay growls in my ear clambering off me and storming out of my room. As I hear him retreat downstairs I roll onto my side curling myself into a tiny ball wincing at the pain on my neck and inside of me. Vijay was so rough but not in a caring way like Shah Rukh. I let the tears squeeze from my eyes hugging my knees to my chest. I feel dirty having another man's fingers inside of me. Shah Rukh has branded me as his but now I've been spoilt by his brother. He's never going to look at me the same way and my innocence will stay intact because he won't want to 'really like' me anymore. The more I think about what's just happened the more grim I feel building up on my skin until it becomes unbearable and I need to clean off any trace of Vijay. 

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