Chapter 15

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I wake up to an empty bed. I flex my arm blinking my eyes to remove the sleep. Why does Kajol's side of the bed look like it hasn't been slept in? The pillow doesn't have a head indent and the sheets look unused. I roll onto my back replaying the events of last night. I needed her to know, wanted her know, just what she means to me. Yes to start off with it was all about her body but then there was just something about her. I began enjoying the time I spent with her watching films or just hanging out. That's when I realised I was falling in love with her. I thought it would pass but the feelings I felt for her only got stronger until now. I couldn't keep them in any longer but I didn't expect her response. I thought she was in love with me too? The way she looked at me and blushed when I spoke to her... I just thought she was falling too. I clamber out of bed walking out into the main apartment. She's not in the kitchen making breakfast or in the lounge just chilling. I walk towards her bedroom opening the door but the room looks untouched and I can't see the ensuite light on.
"Kajol?" I call her name but it just echoes back at me. I wander back through the apartment calling her name hoping that she'll reply but knowing deep down in my heart she's not here. I slump onto the sofa noticing a note on the coffee table.

I'm sorry x

That's all it says. She's sorry. Sorry for what?


3 Months Later

"Yes ma I'll call you once the contract is signed," I sigh down the phone. My mind is preoccupied with Kajol. I still miss her, still love her, still need her. I plunged myself back into work trying to forget the way she smiled, the way she blushed, the way she felt under my touch. My mum warbles on as I zone out letting my mind slip back to the time Kajol managed to pleasure me. How things went down from there. I stop outside a restaurant weighing up whether to give it a try for some dinner. I check my watch pulling the phone away from my ear trying to remove the constant drone of my mother's voice. As I look back up the door to the restaurant opens.
"Yeah yeah whatever Sanjay!" A familiar voice giggles. I put the phone back to my ear and tell my mum I've got to go before hanging up. There she is. Kajol. I slip my phone back into my pocket watching as she pushes some guy away before pulling him into a hug. They share some more conversation before she kisses his cheek and they go their separate ways. I toss up what to do now. I could call out after her and risk her running or I could follow her and try to get her to talk to me. I decide on the latter hoping not to look like a stalker but not really caring if I do. I need to speak to her and seeing her has just brought all these feelings back to me. We walk for twenty minutes before Kajol walks into a building with cracked brickwork and broken windows. I hesitate before stepping inside following Kajol footsteps up to her floor.


I sigh entering my empty flat shutting the door behind me. Tonight has been fun, hanging out with Sanjay but then I just come home to my hovel and all the happiness I feel just washes away to be replaced by guilt, regret and sadness. I hear someone knock at the door. Probably Sanjay or a neighbour. I walk back over to the door and pull it open about to speak when I see who's stood in my doorway.
"Hello," Shah Rukh says barging past me into my flat and looking around. I can tell he's judging the cracked walls, the constant blast of air from outside through the broken window, the weird smell from the growing damp problem.
"Wh.. Wha... What are you doing here?" I stammer as he turns to look at me. I haven't heard from or seen him for the past three months. I had been paid and that's all I cared about at the time. That's until I noticed there was an empty hole in my life that I couldn't fill no matter how much university work I did or how much time I spent with my friends. It's a Shah Rukh shaped hole although I hate to admit it.
"You just left," he points out the obvious and I find myself gawping at him like a fish out of water. I should feel more confident in my home place but it just makes me more nervous. I just want Shah Rukh to be impressed with me for some stupid reason.
"How did you find me?" I ask trying to sound more confident than I feel.
"I saw you coming out of a restaurant and decided to follow you," he replies openly. My brain is too mushed by this encounter to fully comprehend what's happening.
"I think you should leave," I try to assert some form of authority. Shah Rukh steps towards me smirking.
"If you want me to leave why did you let me in?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest.
"You... You barged in," I reply feeling the heat rising in the air making me feel breathless. Shah Rukh takes another step towards me.
"Then why didn't you tell me to leave straight away?" He questions and I can feel my heart rattling against my chest.
"You didn't give me chance to," I lie elongating all the words knowing full well I don't actually want him to leave. Shah Rukh closes the gap between us wrapping his arms around my waist. My breathe catches in my throat as he pushes me into the wall placing his lips on mine. I close my eyes kissing him back giving in to my desires. I slowly lace my arms around Shah Rukh's neck pulling his body closer to mine. His hands wander down to my thighs lifting me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel the same buzz I always get when Shah Rukh touches my body. It starts off as a tingle before building and building as adrenaline is added and suddenly my whole body feels like I have fireworks exploding in my bloodstream. I open my mouth allowing Shah Rukh to slide his tongue in loving the taste of him against my tongue. I moan as Shah Rukh forces his body still closer to me closing any gap between us. I can't deny it any longer. I love him. I love Shah Rukh. Not just the feeling he gives me but the way he is so caring towards me. I need Shah Rukh because being pressed against his body right now that hole in my life has been filled. Shah Rukh removes his lips from mine looking at me as I smile awkwardly. I can't deny it any longer.
"I want to do it," I mumble leaning closer to Shah Rukh's face brushing my lips against his.
"'Do it'?" Shah Rukh mutters knowing full well what I mean, just teasing me. I lean back with a mischievous smile biting my bottom lip.
"I want you to fuck me," I giggle as Shah Rukh pulls my body off the wall keeping his hands supporting my legs. He walks towards my room, the door fell off and has never been replaced, lying me on the bed. He moves his hands across my waist towards the opening of my jeans, undoing the button and pulling the zip down, never taking his eyes off mine. He slowly tugs the waistband from my hips rolling the legs to my ankles before pulling them off and dropping them on the floor behind him. His eyes tell me he's been waiting to do this for a long time. He pulls his own trousers off before crawling over me keeping his hands on the mattress allowing space between our bodies as his lips caress my neck. I let my hands play with the hem of his t-shirt riding it up his chest before tugging it over his head throwing it into my room. Shah Rukh smiles at me as he rests his crotch over mine slowly unbuttoning my shirt before throwing the fabric open. He presses his chest on mine placing his lips back onto my lips. His kisses feel so good and I realise just how much I've missed his body on mine. Shah Rukh uses his fingers to pull my panties down slowly tracing his lips down my neck and down the middle of my chest until my panties have slipped off my ankles onto the floor.
"Are you ready?" Shah Rukh growls playing with his boxers. I nod my head. I want this. No matter the stories I've heard I want to feel Shah Rukh inside of me. I want him to take my V-card. I love him. He pulls his boxers down revealing his hard dick.
"Look here," he instructs pointing to his eyes. I divert my gaze to his perfect complexion as I feel the tip of his erection touch my clit. I close my eyes letting my neck snap back. Shah Rukh rests his lips against my exposed neck before pushing his hardness into me. I feel tears sting my eyes as I feel myself lose my virginity feeling myself opening for Shah Rukh. My breathing becomes ragged as I try to deal with the small sharp stabs of pain I feel. Yes it hurts but I know that in a matter of seconds I'll be used to having his length inside of me and then all I'll feel is pleasure. Shah Rukh keeps his erection inside of me letting me become used to him as he kisses my neck delicately. When I feel my walls relax against his shaft I wrap my arms around his waist indicating I'm ready for more. Shah Rukh slowly withdraws his dick before thrusting it slowly into me. I feel my moans keep in time to his rhythm as Shah Rukh removes his lips from my neck concentrating on his thrusts. When he feels my nails clinging into his back he begins thrusting faster making my insides burn with pleasure. I start seeing stars in my vision as Shah Rukh's dick hits my g-spot multiple times. I feel my back arching as Shah Rukh's moans mingle with mine in the air which is hot and smells like sex. I start grinding my hips against his as I can feel him climaxing at the same time as me. My walls clench as he hits my g-spot again sending my body into a spasm of butterflies, tingles and electric bolts. I arch my back giving one last loud moan as I feel myself release onto his hard member. Shortly after Shah Rukh grunts loudly releasing into me. He collapses at the side of me still moaning as I snuggle up to his chest pulling my sheets over our naked and sweating body. He wraps an arm around my neck as I feel myself panting with the pleasure he's just given me. All the stories I've ever heard about giving up your virginity were all lies. That was the most pleasurable experience I've ever had. Yes it hurt to begin with but once I was comfortable with his length inside of me the experience was only mesmerising. When I see Shah Rukh's eyes closing I smile.
"I love you," I whisper seeing his lips curl into a smile as he falls into a slumber. I'm glad I waited for Shah Rukh. It was exactly as I pictured it... Romantic sex. I smile against his chest feeling my own eyes grow heavy.

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