Chapter 3.

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It was weird how natural it felt to feel his touch. I admit it made me tense at first but then it felt normal. Until he turned away and left me standing there. For the past month all I've done is attend functions with Shah Rukh Khan in posh dresses and speak about stuff I actually have no clue about but learn in the hours leading up to the event. He seems impressed by the fact that I can remember everything written on the sheets he leaves for me but what he doesn't know is that at university that's how I pass. Today he hasn't given me any sheets to learn and although I hate admitting it I'm kind of bored. I've watched nearly all the films in his collection and the books on the walls don't appeal at all. There is only so much sitting around and waiting I can do. I don't understand why he has to work all day everyday?!
"What are you doing?" I hear his husky voice behind me making me stop dead in my tracks.
"Looking for some food," I mumble closing the kitchen cupboard and standing up. I don't dare turn around for some strange reason and decide to continue staring at the wall. Shah Rukh grumbles before shuffling away.
"Are you bored?" He asks from across the room. I turn to find him looking out a window his hands linked behind his back. I nod my head before realising he can't see me. I swallow hard. I'm not used to talking to him because he mainly just speaks at me and I listen.
"Nahin," I lie not wanting to make him angry at the fact he's leaving his work. This makes him turn with a smirk on his face. The way he stands, so bold and confident, makes me shrink a little. This past month has just been damn right strange.
"I want to show you something," he gestures to me and I follow him into his office. He walks across to a painting on the wall and tugs at the frame pulling it away from the wall revealing a door. He turns the handle and pushes it waiting for me to join him. I feel scared. I feel like I shouldn't be going into this unknown place with him. I feel sort of excited. Shah Rukh pushes the door in gesturing for me to step through. The room on the other side is big, a chaise-long lies off to one side with a huge black wardrobe on the other. In the middle of the room are two rods with a bar conjoining them. The walls and ceiling are painted black with one lone skylight positioned in the middle of the room the only source of light.
"Are you a virgin?" Shah Rukh startles me as he shuts the door. I feel taken aback by the question and the enormity of it. It is a very personal thing to answer.
"I mean you aren't a 'companion' escort so..." Shah Rukh drags out his words stepping towards me. I nod my head feeling slightly dizzy as the air is slowly being sucked from the room by my rapid breathing.
"I don't want to hurt you," Shah Rukh starts, "I just want to open you up to new experiences. Are you willing to let me show you a new experience?" I nod my head in a small state of confusion. Shah Rukh steps towards me closing the gap before taking my wrists in his hands. He leans his face close to mine letting his breathe fan across my cheek before reaching my ear.
"Tell me stop anytime," he whispers pulling me towards the metal frame in the middle of the room. He places me under the bar and instructs me to stay there whilst he gets things ready. The next thing I know he is tying rope around my wrists before lifting them above my head and tying them to two loops on either side of the horizontal bar above me. There is a nervous excitement in the room as Shah Rukh stands back to look at his handy work.
"Anything you're not comfortable with... Tell me," it's more of a warning this time but I just nod my head all the same. He disappears from in front of me leaving me standing with my arms raised for what feels like hours before I feel him place his hands on my back. I suck in a breathe as they trail over my shoulder blade up over my shoulders and down towards the front of my shirt.
"Hope this wasn't expensive," Shah Rukh chuckles pulling the fabric open tearing the buttons off the front exposing my front. I feel my eyes semi-close as Shah Rukh moves his hands back over my shoulders down towards my skirt. His fingers enter the waist band tickling the base of my back as I try to stand as still as possible having no clue what's about to happen but enjoying this feeling of helplessness. Shah Rukh pulls the skirt from my legs letting it fall around my feet exposing my lacy knickers. I can sense Shah Rukh staring at my butt before I feel his fingers tugging at the fabric making my body involuntarily shiver. I feel Shah Rukh removes his fingers from my skin before something thin and cold comes into contact with my butt. It gets dragged across it like a snake before it is removed and smacked back down onto my ass making me gasp. Is he whipping me?
"Did that hurt?" Shah Rukh asks and I shake my head. It was just a shock. I feel the whip smack down on my cheeks another five times before Shah Rukh stops and walks around me. He stands in front of me the whip in his hand looking thoroughly disappointed.
"Do you feel nothing?" He inquired a taste of anger on his tongue. I stare back at him wriggling my wrists against the rope. He plays with the tip of the whip with his free hand letting his eyes bore holes into mine. I don't know whether he's disappointed because his whips aren't hurting me but they are pretty soft.
"Harder," I breathe. Shah Rukh's eyes narrow as he walks back around my perk ass. He lines the whip up again before smacking me harder making me gasp as I feel tingles rush through my body. I can sense Shah Rukh's whole demeanour change as he spanks my ass getting harder with each contact. He's making my body rush with tingles and my blood is pounding through my veins. With each spank I find myself moaning getting louder and louder feeling no pain just some form of pleasure. My back begins to arch and I try to fight against the restraints on my wrists to no avail. I don't know what's come over me but my eyes close as I thrust my pelvis forward, my shoulders back feeling a warm burning sensation building in my groin. With another spank I feel my insides relax suddenly as juices spill down my legs soaking my panties. Shah Rukh stops hitting my ass and groans loudly. I keep my eyes closed as the fire inside of me slowly begins to die down.
"Look at me," Shah Rukh instructs and I blink my eyes open seeing spots in my vision until he slowly comes into focus. I can't tell whether he angry or happy. His lips are in a straight line and his eyes are full of black. I try to slow my rapid breathing as he takes a step towards me lower in the whip until it's at my waist height. He moves it forward between my legs before raising it sharply letting it hit my vagina and I gulp at the effort not to scream in pleasure. He brings the whip back towards him wiping along my opening coating it in white juice. He raises it up to his mouth before licking it away with his tongue closing his eyes as he does so. I watch as he shrugs his shoulders deciding my juices taste okay. He drops the whip on the floor before untying my restraints. My wrists tingle slightly where the rope has been tugging against them and my legs are beginning to feel sticky where the juice is beginning to dry.
"Wha... What just happened?" I stammer feeling unable to comprehend the state I am in.
"That is called an orgasm," he points to my legs before pointing to the door, "you should shower." I nod my head barely able to breathe. I grab my skirt from the floor before walking out of the black box and back into his office. My first orgasm was over being spanked by some guy in a secret room whilst being restrained?! I hurry towards my room and into my ensuite unable to remove the rest of my clothing as I jump straight into the shower to clean up. As the water cascades over me I feel the tingle turn into a ache and my butt cheeks begin to sting a little bringing small tears to my eyes. The weird thing is though... I enjoyed it.


I feel bad for hurting her. I never intended to show her the room but she had just looked so bored and I couldn't stop thinking about the way she so naturally began to suck on my thumb. I can't believe she's a virgin. I can't believe she had cum so soon after I started spanking her. I can't believe she didn't know what an orgasm was. I smile to myself as I pass her room. Something about it draws me in and I press my hand against the wood. I feel like I should knock but then I think it's my house my rules. I push down the door handle and walk in, the curtains are closed, the lights are off and I can see the silhouette of her sleeping body wrapped in the bed sheets. I slowly shuffle towards her sitting on the edge of the bed as she stirs from her slumber.
"What time is it?" She yawns and I check my watch. It's late but I had some work to finish off and I couldn't face her after I had just tied her up and caused her to release her juices.
"Late," I reply feeling something creep over me, an emotion I've never felt before. I feel like I should be apologising for thrusting her into my strange world were I can command attention and am the dominant specie. I just want to hold her and tell her everything is going to be alright but she might think that's weird?
"Can I hold you?" I ask before I know what I'm really saying. The girl nods her head in the darkness and I slide under the sheets in my shorts and t-shirt reaching my hands out for her waist colliding with her perky ass by mistake making her gasp.
"I'm sorry," I whisper quickly moving my hands upwards realising I must of left some damage with the height the whip was going with each smack.
"It was worth it," the girl mumbles back sleepily as I pull myself towards her careful not to put too much pressure on her butt.
"What is your name?" I ask before she's drifted off again. I want to know what to call her because she evidently enjoyed my dark secret. The black box is a room I've only ever shown one girlfriend before and she freaked out about it before even giving it a try. This girl is different more on my wave length and I want to taste her again.
"Mmm Kajol," she mumbles softly as her breathing evens out indicating sleep has enveloped her. Kajol. I want to make her scream my name.

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