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Megann's pov:

I had another off day. I was spending it alone in my room watching Netflix and eating junk food. After a while, my phone buzzed with a text from Luke.

Talked to Cal. Still seems pissed but kind of over it.

I didn't know what to say at first.

So he's cool with you guys being my friends too?

Yeah. He didn't mind.

Okay. See you guys soon. Xo

Xo. (:

I felt better after that knowing I had people who wanted to be my friends not just because I was famous and they were famous. The boys -except Calum- really seemed to want to be my friend and that made me happy. I continued watched Netflix for a few more hours when my phone buzzed again. This time, it was Michael.

Are you busy with anything Saturday?

I checked my schedule and seen that I had another free day that day.

Nope. Free that day.

Would you want to go somewhere with me?

Like a date?

Yeah. Unless you don't want it to be.

That's fine with me. See you Saturday. Xo.

See you then. Xo.

I couldn't believe Michael had just asked me on a date -actually I could he seemed to really like me plus we almost kissed. I hadn't been on a date since breaking up with Calum but I was ready and I knew it. I have to get over him a some point. He seems to be over me. I wanted to be wrong and I knew that sounded bad but I don't really care. No, I have to stop thinking like this. Being with Michael could be good for me. Maybe it's exactly what I need. I texted Lyndsay and told her I had a date. She said she was excited for me and that everything would go amazing. That made me smile because it was exactly what I needed to hear. I finished off my pizza and turned off the tv. Within minutes, I was fast asleep.

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