Chapter 18

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AN: Almost done! The last chapter will be 23. 


"You are a stupid cat." She stirred, the morning sun just barely peaking over the horizon.

"Better than an inbred dog."

"Take that back!" There was a loud bark, making her growl.

"Stop it both of you!" She shot awake, ready to pick a fight. She was tired, her woman part was sore, and her insides too. The two animals jumped, looking her way. It was the cat, and the beast from yesterday, the one that was with the human.

"Sorry, sorry. But this beast was questioning your ability to speak with us. Stupid dog thought I was lying." Hinata growled at the dog, whom was gaping at her. Pitiful. She huffed and lifted her leg to examine her private parts. It looked normal, but for some reason it hurt. Her father did say it was normal.

"Did you mate?" The dog asked. She looked to the animal. What beast was it? It was huge. She could very well ride it. Better yet, what did he know of mating?

"Yes. Do you know much?" Her curiosity got the best of her. Of course she talked to her dad about it, but now she had new questions.

"I know all." The dog puffed out his chest. "I've been mated many times by my master." She blinked. So he would know. She looked to the cat, who was curling into a ball. Perhaps to nap.

"When you mate, do you often impregnate the first time?" If she was with child, she would have to change some of her habits.

"Silly human, humans are not like us. Everything about us is different." The dog barked. She huffed, puffing out her mane.

"I am a proud lion!" She roared, her voice loud and rough.

The dog merely stared at her. "You look like a human to me."

She stiffened.

For as long as she could remember she was raised as a lion, treated like a lion, and acted like a lion. But the whole time she knew she was human.

But did that mean she meant to be with humans? Was she human?

She sat back on her hunches.

"I... Am a lion." She said again, lowly.

She could not mate with a lion. She was not of the same species. She could never bare a fine son. She could never make her father a grandpa.

That was one more reason to be a human. She could bear a child. She could mate with a human.

"I... Am... A lion..." She said once more, quietly.

"Are you really?" The dog asked.

Was she?

She looked over to the dog. He sat on his hunches, his paws in front of him. She was sitting identically to him. How was it humans did it? Slowly, she straightened up, her hands by her side, her back straight. Her body obeyed, but she creaked and hurt. Her muscles strained to keep her straight.

But-it felt natural.

She looked to the side, watching as the blond female and Itachi stepped out of the tent. Her eyes met with Itachi's black ones. A smug grin pulled itself onto his lips.

Was he challenging her?

With perfect timing, Sasuke stepped out the door. She trotted over to him and rubbed herself against him, like a lion.

She looked back over to Itachi, to see the blond was clutching his arm. She copied the action, clinging to Sasuke's arm. She would win, no matter what type of challenge it was.

Itachi's face went blank, his eyes going dark. She grinned brightly. She was winning.

The atmosphere became strained as the two approached. Soon, they stood face to face. The blond was eyeing her, her eyes challenging her. She laughed. There was no way such a weak woman would win against her.

"Looked like you two had a good night." The female said. Although Hinata didn't understand all the words, something she did understand, was the tone. It was taunting. She was egging her on.

She tried to make words for a reply. "Last night- Sasuke- mated." She said, the words choppy.

Then, all hell broke loose.

Itachi launched at Sasuke, both falling to the ground. The girl let out a high pitched squeak, deafening Hinata. She shot a glare at the girl before looking back to the fight. She always loved watching fights. This one must have been for power, seeing as Itachi was the leader. She watched intently as the two exchanged shots, neither really deadly. How boorish.

Then, they were pulled apart. Both were bloody, the metallic smell making her mouth water.

It was the new male and Sasori who pulled them apart. Naruto stood between them. Then started the lecture. They were all brought inside, sat at the table, and human words were spoken. She listened much as she could, but the language was hard to learn after all.

"You two are grown men! You simply do not start fights in front of the house for no reason!" It was Sakura who was speaking.

"Rather, is there a reason?" Asked Sasori.

"Dunno, Itachi attacked me randomly." Was Sasuke's reply.

Itachi stayed silent.

"Itachi, you're the oldest of us here, you should not act so childish." Sakura scolded.

There was a long silence.

"... She is mine." Itachi finaly spoke, his voice low and forceful.

Sasuke slammed his hands down on the table, asserting his power. Was another fight going to break out? She watched, intent. "She is mine! She chose me last night, brother." The words were almost spat. Itachi stood, his tall frame looming.

"I can change that." He grabbed Hinata's wrist, pulling her up. She blinked, watching as Sasori and Sakura held Sasuke back.

"Itachi! What are you doing?!" Sakura yelled.

Itachi looked over his shoulder. If she didn't know better, she would say his eyes flashed red. "I'm going to make her decide." He tugged on her arm, pulling her close to him. She blinked.

Humans were such odd creatures, she decided as he dragged her along.

When they entered his room, he tore off her pelts. That's when she understood. He already had his clothes off by the time she realized what he wanted. He wanted to mate too.

So that was it. In human norms, it was regular to mate more than once. Just like lions. It was good to know they were not much different. It made her feel... Better.

But damn, when he thrust inside her, it hurt. His man part was huge, stretching her already sore insides. Not to mention, he hit this area, it hurt, but felt so good. She yelled out, her hands fisting in the blankets.

After that she lost her mind in pleasure.

The two brothers were so much... Sasuke was much softer, yet so enticing and sensual. Itachi was a beast, hitting all these unknown spots in her. She didn't want any mates other than them.

In that moment, she made a decision. She would only take two mates. Sasuke and Itachi.

They were going to be her mates. And she intended on keeping them.

All to herself.

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