Chapter Twelve

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Soon we went to our little camp where we found Evie. "That's the statue of Anubis. It's legs go deep underground. According to Brembridge scholars, that's where we will find a secret compartment.... Containing the golden Book of Amun-Ra." Evie explained to us.

I was just following her around. Jonathan was cleaning the mirrors. Evie started to correct Jonathan "Jonathan, you're meant to catch the sun with that." Rick come up to Evie looking nervous, I can tell straight away he liked her and finding quiet funny that he is getting nervous. Oh man, I'm never gonna let him forget this.

"So, uh, what are these old mirrors for?" Evie turned her full attention to him while cleaning the mirrors. "Ancient mirrors. It's a ancient Egyptian trick. You'll see."

I saw him getting something from behind his back. I knew it! The tools he took of the one with the glasses. I wonder what lie he's gonna sell her. "Uh, here, this is for, uh, you. Go ahead. It's something I borrowed off our American brethren-" started to walk off, he started to stumble over his words. "- I thought you might like it – you might need it for when you're, uh-uh, yeah." The warden was just looking at Rick, "what are you lookin' at?"

He saw me, with the biggest grin on my face with an eyebrow lifted. He just gave a glare. He wrapped the rope around a column, chucked it down the hole. All we hear was moaning from the warden about bugs. How he hates them. I wish he was still on the boat.

We all jumped down to the lower level. Rick went first, me, Evie, Jonathan then the warden.

Evie was rather excited, "were standing in a room no one has entered in over 3000 years." Jonathan managed to come down the rope, I was still standing there to make sure everyone was down. More like 4/5 of us made it down okay.

"Whoo! What is that God-awful stench?" Waving his hand about to dispel the smell. I just tapped his shoulder and pointed up. He looked up and face was a picture, he just mumbled 'oh'. I walked off to find my brother and future sister-in-law.

She was by those mirrors again, she wiped the cobwebs down from them and she pointed them somewhere "and then there was.... Light." Rick was actually impressed "hey, that is a neat trick." Putting my arms around Evie, "I'm actually impressed, that was cool..." I go to her ear so no one can hear "and you especially impressed my brother." Smirking at her now inflamed red cheeks.

She quickly dismissed our little 'conversation', she gasped "oh, my god. It's a sah-netjer." We just gave a 'huh' eyebrow. "A preparation room." Rick had to ask, "preparation for what?" She went up to him and put on a creepy voice "for entering the afterlife." "Rick, you had to ask." Shiver running down my spine.

"Mummies, my good son. This is where they made the mummies." We made our way further in. We heard some scampering on the ground; we turned around quickly, I quickly had my pistol out... Lucky Rick had his out already.

"What the- what was that?" Whimpering as the warden asked, I couldn't help to entertain myself "sounds like.... Bugs." Evie saw the grin, she had to take the opportunity loudly whispering to him, "she said bugs."

"What do you mean, bugs? I hate bugs." I just rolled my eyes at him and continued walking.

Alice O'Connell and the MummyWhere stories live. Discover now