I'm sorry this is not an update

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Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in while! I thought I put this up here, because the scum we call suicide bombers, decided to attack Ariana Grande concert! A CONCERT!!! LITTLE CHILDREN WERE THERE!! I have no problem with people and their religions, it's your faith. But there is no words for what they have done they are utter scum! Killing innocent people only makes you a murderer!

I don't like Trump but I agree with what he said "they are losers" by giving them a name of monster... they know they are!

They can try and break us but they just bring us CLOSER and STRONGER!


My heart goes out to the families that have sadly been taken from us and to the ones that are injured! You can't even enjoy a concert anymore! 😩😢 #prayformanchester

Thank you guys for your time! 💜

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