Chapter 12: A Royal Visit

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Kommora had only intended to give the new mage some back-up after reviewing the tasks assigned to the probationary mages that day. She barely had a break since returning from her trip to Acrise but evidently things were getting out of hand. It was ridiculous to give an eighteen-year-old girl a task to quell uprising in one of the most depraved cities in the south-east, never mind one who has barely graduated from King's Academy.

Flanked by her two military personnel, Liore and Ash, she made her way off the train at Danaway and activated tracking runes, targeting the girl's magic signature. At least she obeyed the protocol of marking her arrival in Danaway per Council rules, using the violet rune tattoo on her shoulder. It made Kommora's job much easier. Her eyes narrowed, seeing the zigzag path Seiren Nithercott had taken when she got off. What the hell was she doing, training for athletics? What a peculiar journey.

Seiren's footsteps lit up in varying shades of the rainbow, as expected from someone blessed with magic. The glow was impossible to miss in the semi-darkness. Cries and moans became musical accompaniment as Kommora made her way down the streets, sweeping her eyes left and right for a wandering eighteen-year-old girl who might need help. She only made her way round two corners before the sound of runed weapons caught her attention. Several cracks snapped through the air from not too far away. Around her, the homeless shifted, unnerved by the sudden noises.

"What was that?" said Liore, looking alarmed. She raised her runed weapon, scanning the skies.

"Sounds like guns to me," said Ash, withdrawing his. "Military ones. They're definitely runed."

They increased their pace. The shots became louder and then military personnel came into view in their dark green uniforms. Kommora raised her hand. Liore and Ash paused, looking to her for instructions.

Just behind those personnel was a blonde in a black cloak, looking both terrified and disgruntled.

"Mage Nithercott?"

Nithercott jumped. She swivelled round, seeking the speaker. She spotted Kommora and visibly deflated with relief.

"Kommora Haigh?"

She elbowed her way past the military men. She looked like hell: her hair was frazzled and sticking up at odd angles. Her cloak dirty and dusty. Grazes could be seen in the runed light held by the men, on her face and hands.

"Well you look like shit, Seiren Nithercott. What happened?" Kommora squinted at the military men passing. "And what's with all the men?"

Nithercott relayed the events of the day. Kommora's dark eyebrows rose further and further until they almost vanished into her greying hairline. Quelling uprisings alone for a first task? And this girl's speaking manner was quite odd. She paused after every third sentence or so, as if pondering what to say next, even when the context did not require further contemplation. At two stages she looked almost conflicted, having an internal argument with herself. Her behaviour reminded Kommora of people under the influence of indigo runes where the host resisted commands from the runes to act against their wills, except she couldn't sense indigo coming from her.

"That's an unusual task for a probationary mage, let alone a first-timer," she said, wondering who was brass enough to pull this off. Was there someone so against Nithercott they wanted her to fall in the line of duty so early? "I'm surprised the council even permitted that to be allocated to you."

A taller figure rounding the corner towards them caught her eye. Tall, well-defined features and broad shoulders. And enough medals on his chest to feed a family of Danaway homeless for a week.

"Is that King Pollin?"

"He..." Nithercott seemed dazed and pointed a vague finger over her shoulder. "He just passed and went that way."

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