CHAOS MAGE Chapter 4: Daemonium

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"What did Kommora mean by 'holy blood is worthy blood'?"

Seiren and Madeleine waited outside Kommora's office the next day. After the interrogation of Zor Jarsdel, Ash had taken Kommora to the hospital and then returned with strict instructions from her for them not to 'go gallivanting as you please and shit all over our plans'. It was all Seiren could do not to pack and take the next train to Acrise and cross the border, even with Madeleine pointing out Acrise would never allow a Karman to pass into Hanna without relevant paperwork, particularly with the increasing tension over the past year. But part of her wanted to know Kommora was all right. For all the grumpiness and sarcastic remarks, Kommora had been a remarkable pillar for them for the past year.

"Did you not listen in history?" Madeleine sighed at Seiren's blank look. "Hannans believe in the holiness of their blood. The purity of their blood determines the strength of their summoning and their demons—"

"So those bastards who pop up randomly and unleash their horrors here are pretty pure-blooded?"

"Probably. I think Kommora was just trying to drop Jarsdel's guard and make him give up information."


"I half-expected her to go through with the chair threat, actually. Maybe she would have if she wasn't hurt so bad from the explosion." Madeleine gave a small laugh and then sobered. She'd been withdrawn ever since the protests at King's the day before. "Truth be told, I'm almost glad we didn't have to see Mother die."

"She killed so many people." Seiren stared at her with incredulity. "How can you say that?"

"She's still our mother. She loved us."

Seiren sighed, shaking her head. Madeleine never managed to shake off the unyielding inner loyalty to Kristen despite her treasonous acts. If she wasn't her sister, Seiren would be tempted to slap some sense into her. She had to understand she couldn't beat herself up over the deaths in Benover and love Kristen at the same time. As far as Seiren was concerned, Kristen was irredeemable. Even if she'd sacrificed herself to bring Madeleine back that day, Seiren could never forgive her for all she'd done. Maura, Tesla, Loren, all the soldiers and citizens she'd let die by unleashing Seiren's wretched creations and attempting to incite war with Hanna — and letting their father die that night just so she could run away with Jarsdel to reanimate Pollin.

No, there was no forgiving.

Kommora's door opened and Liore's head peeked out, her face brightening when she spotted the twins.

"Mage Haigh will see you now!" Her chirpy voice reminded Seiren of Felora, Loren's awkward aide who lived and breathed positivity. She wondered how she and Peron were doing now — probably assigned to another fully-qualified state mage.

Kommora's office had the same layout as Rowan's, with a wide, polished oak desk standing before sweeping windows overlooking Benover and bookcases reaching up to the ceiling taking up one side of the wall, except Kommora's desk was pristinely tidy with papers aligned neatly and books carefully bookmarked. Her windows glowed violet, likely infused with anti-eavesdropping runes. Her bookcases were crammed to bursting point with books of all shapes and sizes, in alphabetical order.

Liore retreated to her desk near the door and resumed her paperwork. Ash's spot was empty. Kommora sat with her back to the twins, staring out of the windows at the midday sun.


Seiren and Madeleine exchanged a look and obeyed, Seiren sprawling on the rocky, stiff chair and Madeleine sitting with her legs crossed and fingers laced over her lap.

Kommora waited for so long to speak, Seiren opened her mouth to question. Madeleine shot her a look. Seiren shut her mouth.

"I wrote to the Daemonium yesterday." Kommora's back remained unturned. "I asked them regarding Harred's escape and if they had any involvement."

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