CHAOS MAGE Chapter 21: Seal of the Royal Daemon

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Martel watched Kaim as if he were expecting the younger man to attack. Hynn slid off his back as Kaim held up his hands to show his peaceful intentions. The two men stayed behind, hands clasped across their fronts, relaxed.

"I'm here as myself, Scholar. I'm no longer attached to my family."

"Prove it," Martel hissed. Swallowing, Kaim lifted his wide sleeve until his bicep was visible. A heavy, purple scar the size of a palm stretched at the top of his arm, just beneath the shoulder. The tip of a snout could just be seen, open and bearing jagged teeth. Seemingly satisfied but no less pleased, Martel finally sat down with a groan into his chair. He gestured at the group. Perching on the small, wooden chairs again, Seiren glanced at Madeleine, wondering how they should begin.

"How the tides have changed, Kaim Havris," Martel said with finality.

"Havris?" Seiren echoed, eyes almost popping out of her face. She whirled around to stare at Kaim. "You said your surname was Rouzarrien!"

"That's my name now." Kaim had the decency to look uncomfortable. "I've renounced my family name."

"Do the rest of your supporters know their leader is from House Havris?" Madeleine said sharply. Kaim didn't meet her gaze.

"How unlike you to actually step up for once. Is it because Leviat isn't there to do all your work any more?" Martel said with a curl of his lips.

"Shut it, old man!" Kaim flushed before turning to Madeleine. "And, no, my people don't know. I'd appreciate it if you keep it a secret. The only reason we have managed to survive for so long doing what we do, expanding our forces, is because I used to be from House Havris. Without my connections and knowledge of the Daemonium, we'd long have perished, just swept off the streets like some urchin — the same as all the other groups who have opposed Fautos. I'm the only chance the insurgents have of toppling that insane tyrant. You wouldn't have gotten into the palace at Falnash if not for me."

"That's very righteous of you." Martel tilted his head, one eyebrow raised. It seemed hearing Kaim's declaration of treason hadn't earned him any points in the old man's eyes.

"We did only get into the palace thanks to Kaim's help," Madeleine said. Seiren elbowed her.

"You're defending him?" she hissed.

"No, but we need Martel's help if we're going to catch... Kristen."

Seiren scowled, but Martel's interest was piqued.

"Oh? Remarkable that you survived the Daemonium's presence. And did you manage to get what you were looking for?"

"We... got confirmation the convict is in the palace. And she's working with the Daemonium."

"With rune magic," Kaim added.

Martel's brow furrowed. "That is a concerning thing to hear. Very concerning, indeed."

"You've heard about the break-in at the ancient library?" Kaim said, leaning forward. Martel surveyed him coolly before answering.

"Of course. Information like that won't escape me. They broke so many seals to enter I was surprised they didn't burn down the daemonic wing."

"That's where they went?"

"Indeed." Kaim eased out a breath through flared nostrils. "Such disregard for the ancient magics and their ancestors, to forcibly break through the charms and rules to access information they had no right to. King Mephis — may his Holiness prosper in the distant lands — would roll in his grave."

"We have reasons to believe they are planning to summon the royal daemon," said Kaim, his hands curled into fists on his lap. He gritted his teeth. "We need to get there before them."

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