Chapter 71: Southwark

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"No!" Seiren scrambled to her feet and threw out burst magic. There was a slight hesitation before a gust of wind pushed Butterworth back by one step, but he ignored it -- and her. Gritting her teeth, she pushed out more magic with her mind carefully blank. The second gust was weaker than the first. Panic swirled in the pit of her stomach and her mouth went dry.

Don't do anything stupid.

He's going to kill him!

A flurry of thoughts tore through her mind. She was back in her home again, twelve years old, descending the stairs and watching, helpless, her dying family. Her legs snapped to action. There was nothing making sense in her head. But she knew magic now. She couldn't just watch and await Rowan's death.

She skidded in front of Rowan, her arms spread wide, staring at Butterworth in the face. Her heart rammed against her chest and her face was numb, awaiting the death blow. He paused, only ten steps away, those callous hazel eyes narrowed at her.

"You want to get to him, you'll have to go through me," she said, breathless. It was a stupid move. So stupid. He was a powerful king's mage, a flash mage too. She didn't stand a chance against him in combat, not even with Rowan together. She could just imagine him vaporising all the water in her body and turning her into an explosion of blood and guts.

Out of nowhere, a rush of wind slammed into the two of them. Seiren felt her feet leave the ground. A scream formed in her mouth, but the sound was ripped away before she could even hear it. The gust spun her around and all the breath left her lungs when she slammed onto the cold snow. The chill seeped through her hair, running frozen tendrils along her skull. The world swirled and she blinked, staring up at the cloudless blue sky.

There was a thud followed by the crackle of electricity. Butterworth gave a yell and he, too, fell with a thump. Seiren pushed herself up, her head spinning. Butterworth lay on the ground, thrashing and muscles seizing in spasms. His hood had fallen off, revealing the rough scars that covered the right side of his face and almost forced his eyelid shut. He arched his back, eyes rolling, before falling still, motionless, his breaths coming in shallow pants.

Two figures stepped out from the trees nearby. One tucked paper back into his cloak pockets; the other hid hers entirely within its folds.

"Well that was satisfying," declared the woman. She seemed to be in her thirties with brown hair that fell to her chin, long-lashed dark brown eyes, and freckled skin. "Just revenge for scorching my hand and face like that."

"That was your mistake. I told you not to go after him alone," said the other mage. He had curly dark brown hair with greying bits above his ears and a severe expression.

These two were not present in Acrise, that much Seiren was sure. On top of that, they openly attacked Domic Butterworth. She watched him warily, unsure if they were friend or foe. Behind her, Rowan got to his feet with a groan.

"Who are you?" Seiren said, not without suspicion. But on closer inspection, she recognised their faces from the directory. Bellamy Southwark, a mixed rune and burst mage, and Tesla Relish, a flash mage who specialised in sand magic, although the latter's face had a few blisters and pink spots across it as if she got hit by hot water.

"We're here to recruit you, Seiren Nithercott," said Bellamy Southwark in a steady voice. He emanated the sage air of someone who was well-respected and had a high place in the mage ladder. "Our plan is to overthrow King Pollin."

"Forgive me if I'm suspicious, but the last time someone asked me that, she'd gutted me open afterwards."

"Ah. Halen tends to... overdo things. But you understand our concerns; we run a clandestine operation here. If anyone refused and lived to tell..." He spread his hands. "You understand our difficulties."

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