CHAOS MAGE Chapter 12: Summoning

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Seiren waited as the old man mulled over his words.

"You have to understand, my dear: Hannan culture is quite different from Karman culture. You value democracy, fairness, the benefit of sitting down and having a conversation. We Hannans value bravery, strength, the ability to lead the country for greatness. You discuss and elect. We fight and conquer. Only the strongest can lead the country — how did you think Hanna ended up this formidable size? — and up until eight months ago, the strongest had been King Mephis Tophalis."

"But he died," said Madeleine.

"Yes. He died, but he did not name an heir. Every year, offsprings of a family would engage in battle to find the strongest. And after several years' observation, a king would be able to name a rightful heir for after he passes away, although that heir would still be required to continue to maintain his claim against the challenges from his siblings."

"But Mephis didn't name an heir? Why?"

"Who knows? Perhaps he knew the uproar it would bring. He had many children, with the oldest being the current king, Fautos. Fautos was a bloodthirsty man. Where a son might disable or disarm his opponent during an annual battle, he would maim or even kill them to prevent future challenges. When King Mephis died, Fautos sprang into action, killing Prince Lufer, Princess Gerta, and taking Prince Magus as his prisoner. I am hopeful Princess Eleia is alive as she has not been heard from, but she is young and a cripple, so I do not expect her to live long. Fautos then began a systemic purge of all the people who supported the peaceful ways of his father."

"You were purged," said Madeleine with realisation. Seiren stared at her, and then back at Martel, who nodded, a grave look on his weathered face.

"House Solidor had served the Tophalis royal family for centuries. Fautos purged many families and many supporters of King Mephis. With the Daemonium at his side, he is untouchable. Nobody dares speak against him."

"Pretty cowardly of him to deliberately sabotage his siblings so they can't challenge his claim," said Seiren, unimpressed. "How good a fighter is he anyway? Can he even summon?"

"All those who lead our country have been able to summon. It is a prerequisite, a display of strength, to show you are able to connect with a daemon."


"Daemon. Not demon. The creatures we summon are not monstrosities, but rather the embodiment of our ancestors reincarnated to look after us, support us, nurture us. They are very much a part of us." As if to demonstrate, Martel stuck two fingers into a pouch at his waist and waved them through the air. A glitter of black dust, tinged with gold, followed. A trail of black smoke flowed from Martel's fingertips, mingling with the dust. A familiar, nauseating scent of cinnamon reached Seiren's nose and she fought not to gag. She'd never seen a summoning this close before.

The dust swirled and then settled, revealing a reptile the length of Seiren's arm, bright red with spikes all along its back and tail and a haughty expression. Its neck was the same size as her wrist. It stared at her and then draped itself around Martel's neck as if about to devour the old man. It was all Seiren could do not to give in to her primal instinct screaming at her to run. Cold sweat trickled down her face. Waves of nausea and panic crashed into her; the air tasted of rotten fruit, sweet and sickening.

"You have a most apprehensive look, my dear," said Martel, raising an eyebrow at Seiren. Seiren flushed. "Why might that be?"

"Just had... bad experiences with de—daemons, that's all," she muttered.

"I'm assuming you mean the scoundrels who skip on their training and pilgrimage. For them, I do apologise. They are no daemon summoners and no children of Hanna."

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