Chapter 15: The Theory of Magic

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I wonder how much Loren can tell us about chaos magic.

Not enough, I imagine. It was only discovered a year ago.

Seiren located the book on foundation magic and thumbed through it. There, just a small chapter on chaos magic – it wasn't even labelled as such. It was called 'core energy magic' back then, so-named for its link to the human life and death.

There is tentative evidence there may be a fifth type of magic, 'core energy magic', with current evidence pointing towards its limitation of equivalent exchange of energy. Its particular potency in areas of new life and death suggest it may have best potential on the battlefield. Further research is required in this area.

That's probably why Loren works here. There's a lot of life and death in hospitals, right? So everything's in her element.

I really don't want to talk to her about anything.

I think you'll have to.

Madeleine prodded her on the inside. Seiren followed her line of sight and her eyes fell – along with her stomach – on Loren Rummage, standing outside the Institute. Seiren's one-way window at least ensured her grimace wouldn't be seen. Loren was still in her rainbow-lined cloak, her long tumbling blonde hair fanning around her face, a big grin from ear to ear as she greeted the guards outside the doors.

"She's here for me, isn't she?" said Seiren out loud, sighing. The sun propped itself on the mountain edges far away. Time had flown when she flicked through the books she'd requested and doodled the basics of rune sketches. She drummed her fingers on the pieces of paper with her drawings, smudging some of the chalk. Several base circles sat at the top of the page. Below that, she'd sketched the points of contact for stabilising energy: the typically-used hexagon and the six-pointed star. It was the most stable grounding that provided reasonable control: one of the first lessons taught at King's. Seiren had grown to prefer four points but it was probably safer for her to test with six-pointers.

Green runes were basic enough. With increasing numbers of gradients dotted along the lines within the rune circle, the more magic could lock with the target's life energy and encourage healing. But no matter how many gradients anyone put in a green rune, it wouldn't be enough to return someone from the dead, or heal from anything life-threatening. Green runes couldn't exceed what was possible by a human body if left alone; amputated limbs would not regenerate, but the stump could heal. Even with the succession of green runes Seiren had done during the Garlinge fight with the Hannan man, that was only superficial healing.

No, she would likely need to modify it with a violet rune, and that brought more complexity than most could face. The violet rune's almost limitless potential with its overlapping shapes to modify the target's properties meant Seiren might trial until her death and wouldn't come to a helpful solution.

Loren would know. She works with healthcare.

Loren is an airhead.

Loren is a qualified state mage of high standing in Bicknor and she's waiting for you, so get off your butt and go meet her already, Seiren Harred.

"Seiren!" Loren's chirpiness made Seiren wince. She waved with energy that Seiren hadn't had in at least ten years. "I've been waiting for you!"

I know.

"Let's go. I have some leftover rice from yesterday and I can whip up a stew to go with it."

"You what?" Seiren ogled at her. Loren blinked those long-lashed grey eyes.

"Dinner tonight. You're staying with me. I told you!"


"No protesting! State mage's orders!"

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