Chapter 29: Clash of Chaos

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Loren took Seiren home a few days later, still bright-eyed and glamorous despite the long day at the hospital. She smiled when she spotted the red amulet around Seiren's neck.

"You went and retrieved her, then?"

"Well..." Seiren became quite interested in one of the painted teapots on Loren's shelf at the back of the main room. The old pictures of Loren, Rowan, and Rowan's siblings sat along the shelves.

Loren's sharp eyes honed in on the hesitation. Seiren almost expected a lecture on being honest and being reminded once again she was a terrible liar – but Loren got up and made another cup of tea instead, allowing Seiren to churn over the words in her head before deciding what to say. She told Loren about the visit from the injured king's mage, who returned Madeleine without apparently demanding anything in exchange, who essentially told her not to meddle – at least, that was how Seiren interpreted as 'playing the game' as he'd suggested.

Loren's brows furrowed. Lines were growing across her forehead despite her young age.

"And you've never met this mage before?"

Seiren shook her head. "I studied the faces and backgrounds of every state mage in the registry before I graduated King's, figuring it'll be to my advantage, but nobody had a burn as horrific as his. But it's new, so..."

"A burn, huh."

"The king's mages, though, they're not on the registry. Perhaps there was one with a horrible injury. I wouldn't know. He... he knew my mother."

"Oh?" Loren didn't seem that surprised. "There are only five of them ever at any one time. I'm not that surprised."

"And who fills her spot now? Now that she's... dead." The word got stuck in her throat.

"I don't think there was one. The king's mages have been functioning as a foursome for the past six years. Not that we ever see them." Loren placed her cup on the table and watched Seiren out of the corner of her grey eyes. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"They're after the mage who tried to kill me. But why aren't there any warrants or arrest posters? Surely every pairs of eyes in Karma is better than just the four of them."

"That's the question, isn't it?"

"You know something."

Loren grinned. "Not much, but something smells fishy for sure. Kommora's looking into it. And anything Kommora's interested in, you can guarantee it's interesting and probably a little bit treasonous."

"Kommora Haigh?" She was renowned for being manipulative and cold-hearted, and had been brought forward for more magical trials than any other state mage, but had always managed to manipulate herself out of any major sentences. Seiren wondered why the woman had come to Danaway after her kidnap – maybe it had something to do with recent events. She had certainly been careful to not let slip even a semblance of a hint to Seiren that day.

"The old bat's been trying to overthrow the autocracy ever since the role of king's mages was established. She never liked the secrecy or supremacy the king's mages held. She thought magic should be for the people and to further the welfare of the country, but sometimes Pollin seems to think otherwise."

She sounds so casual about treason. Madeleine sounded as unsure as Seiren whether she should be amused or horrified.

"Kommora is a good person," Loren added, seeing Seiren's face. "Karma is in a bad place at the moment. Too many people are suffering, especially where we clash with Hanna. Pollin's cutting funding to places torn by war. Hospitals are being shut down so the doctors and nurses are stretched even thinner. Many of my colleagues have had enough and quit their professions. The supporting communities are told to cease their activities or risk being penalised. You've seen Danaway perish in just a few years. A few other cities have vanished, too. Kommora thinks fairly soon Pollin will draft in state mages to fight for them again. The lack of healthcare to support the wounded in the war will be good ammunition to motivate state mages to enrol, and convince the people that it's a good decision, a necessary decision. Their resentment will be the push over the edge to get all the state mages to agree."

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