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I was ready to let you go
I had accepted that were not meant to be
That you're for her and not for me
I had moved on

But you came back
You disturb my sound mind
You wake my sleeping heart
With your smile, and eyes that were set on me

I felt nothing at first
It just felt like seeing an old friend
My heart did not beats as fast as before
But I'll admit it skipped a beat

As the days passed, the feeling slowly returned
With the notes you gave, rather your friend gave,
Can't help to be mad on the outside
Yet feel giddy on the inside

It seems that faith is playing at us
Coincidentally, we go to school together
One time we sat beside each other
I felt your warmth, it lingered on me

Absentmindedly, I found myself thinking of you
Don't know what and how are you feeling
Do we feel the same or it's just an illusion
I'm going crazy with this confusion

So I pretended it was nothing
I know I was the one who avoided you first
But it hurts when you started avoiding me too
Guess I have to move on, nth time from you

How did we go from almost to nothing real quick?
Clearly, almost is never enough
You've manage to hurt me again,
Nth time without meaning too

And now I'm back to this feeling
The feeling of what could've been
If I didn't avoid you,
If we both want the same thing

I hate this feeling
The feeling of wanting something from nothing
So now I'll let go, again
So now, I'll move on, again

I'll stop, like I did before
It's over, there's nothing anymore
I hope you'll be happy
Someday, will both be ready.

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