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tyler was shaking in his sleep.

josh watched as he tried to wake tyler up.

nothing was working.

tyler was in a very deep scary nightmare.

the scary part was,

when the sun came up,

tyler couldn't escape his nightmare.

his nightmare followed him day and night.

when the sun was out,

and when the sun was gone,

when the moon would replace the suns place,

tyler was still living a nightmare.

no escaping,

he couldn't escape it.

every night he try's not to think,

think of what the doctor told him.

it haunts him.

right now in his nightmare,

he's hearing those words again.

he relives it every single night.

josh had enough seeing tyler be distressed,

in his nightmare.

so he picked up his hand,

and slapped tyler very hard across the face.

tyler woke up,

breathing very hard.

josh apologized for slapping tyler so hard.

tyler said it was okay.

they both hugged each other every tightly.

'you wanna talk about it?'

josh asked.

tyler shook his head very fast.

josh sighed but understood.

if tyler didn't wanna talk about it.

josh wouldn't pressure him.

tyler had so much stress.

he wanted to tell josh.

he just knew that if he even tried to speak,

he would end up sobbing.

tyler didn't want to think about the end of his day.

he wanted to live old,

he wanted to adopt children with josh.

those were his dreams,

but dreams don't always come true.

he didn't want to tell josh,

because tyler thinks this is just a nightmare.

that he'll wake up

and the words he heard from his doctors mouth,

we're fake.

that it's all just a nightmare.

him and josh will grow old together.

they will adopt four children.

they will continue going on tour.

continue writing music for all there fans.

win many awards.

play many place.

but those seven words were real life.

it wasn't just when tyler would just sleep.

those seven words;

that went somewhere along the lines as:

'i'm sorry, you have stage four cancer.'

who knew seven words could hurt someone so bad.

seven words;

that made tyler realize he won't have a future,

that made tyler realize he won't make josh a father,

that made tyler realize he will die before josh,

that made tyler realize josh will be hurting,

that made tyler realize people will forget about him,

that made tyler realize that there's no saving for him.

those seven words;

made tyler realize he's lost his hope.

I've made several other joshler books.
check them out if you'd like
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