Blood, Sex and Booze -Chapter 18-

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Chapter 18:

I took an extremely quick shower and dressed in ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

I sat on the bed, pulling on my combat boots while Edward stood by the door with his arms crossed.

Jason was in jail, for drinking and driving.

I grabbed the keys from my desk and followed Edward out of the house to the car.

"I think I should drive." Edward said. "You're not at your best."

He was right, I wasn't at my best.

I tossed him the keys and got in the passenger seat.

"That was easy," He said when he got in the car.

"I was expecting you to argue with me."

I looked at him and shrugged. "Kind of pointless right now,"

He nodded.

After reaching the jail and bailing both of them out for a pretty penny we were finally on our way back home at 2 in the morning.

Jason and Jeremy were back to their normal self's, acting as If I didn't just bail them out of jail.

"So Trinity, what did you do today?" Jason asked me.

"Um...nothing really," I replied.

"Really?" He asked doubtfully.

"Yes, why?"

"Oh, no reason, just I was at a party tonight and I thought I saw you there."


"In fact, I 'm pretty sure you were there."

"And if I was..." I trailed off.

"Ha, I knew it!"

"What's the big deal?" I asked

Edward gave me a look that said I was asking a stupid question.

"You said you weren't going to drink." Jason said.

"How do you know I drank?"

"Because I saw you, plus there was a ton of booze there and you're going to tell me you're still sober? I'm not even sober...well obviously."

I sighed and looked out the window.

"You really might want to slow down on the drinking and the drugs, you're going to get yourself into trouble."

"Thank you," Edward said. "Finally some reasoning,"

I rolled my eyes. "You know Jason you really shouldn't be preaching to me when you also drink and do drugs. That just makes you a hypocrite." I said.

"The girls got a point." Jeremy said.

"Okay for one, I don't do drugs often, it's not like I'm a fucking coke addict and for two it's okay for me to drink because I'm over 21. You are not."

"Oh, also a good point." Jeremy said.

I didn't have anything to reply with.

It's not like I don't know I shouldn't be doing these things, it's just that I don't seem to care.

It's like I drank a six pack of apathy; I just don't give a fuck, I never have.

Although since Edward's gotten here I seem to be realizing just how bad I've gotten...

After we got home I headed straight upstairs.

Edward stopped me before I went into my room; "Are you okay? You look upset."

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I replied.

He nodded. "I'll let you get some sleep."

He leaned in and softly kissed my lips.

I looked down, trying to hide my smile.

"Sweet dreams," He whispered.

I looked up a moment later and he was gone.

How does he do that?

I shook my head. "Strange, strange boy," I said to myself, smiling.


I woke up the next day sometime after noon.

I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

Luckily today I didn't have a headache, so that was nice.

I actually felt pretty good; I wonder why?

I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth; afterwards I walked out of the bathroom and heard a knock on my door.

I walked over to it, wearing an oversized black T-shirt that had the slogan of my favorite band on it and fell several inches above my knees, which was surprising considering how short I was.

Most things were long on me; especially jeans.

I answered the door. "Hello Edward," I said to him, smiling.

He walked inside the room, he smiled at me. "Someone's in a good mood today."

"I am actually, it's strange." I said, closing the door and sitting on the edge of my bed.

He breathed a laugh. "Are you usually in a bad mood?"

"Well no, just I'm not usually in an exceptionally good mood."

He sat down beside me. "So do you have any plans today?" He asked.

I grabbed my phone and showed him the several texts inviting me to parties.

They invite me because they know I'll come.

He looked displeased.

"But I wasn't planning on going." I said.

He smiled.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID; Kate.

Edward took the phone from me and turned it off.

"Why don't you spend the day with me?" He asked.

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