Chapter 2 unsettled

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When I woke up, I looked to see if Xander was sleeping Next to me.

He wasn't in bed, so I figured he might be awake and walking around in the garden or in the living room watching television. 

when I went down the stairs it was obvious that he wasn't watching television, so I decided to check the garden/backyard to see if he was putting in the roses that we had purchased before we bought the house. 

As I made my way to the kitchen to go through the back yard through the window above the kitchen sink I noticed a little boy hiding behind some of the garden pots next to the wooden fence. 'What the hell?' is what I thought when I saw someone else's kid in my property.

'I'm okay with kids I have nothing against them, it's just what I witnessed last night freaked the hell out of me, I wonder if he's lost?, he looks like he's hiding from someone..' I got out of the kitchen and made my way to the yard.

"Um why are you in my back yard, what's your name are you lost?" when the child saw me he went pale as a paper and tripped over the flower pots that he was hiding behind.

He fell really hard, he looked as if he was gonna cry, but he got up really quickly before I can investigate what had happened to him.

'That was odd, why did it look like he was afraid of me?' I looked and saw some of my potted flower's where completely ruined, I picked up the potted flower's and looked around if my husband was here, but still nothing.

When I checked the garage he wasn't there either.... 'he must be at work, but that would be odd because he works at night time, so that doesn't make any sense, why he wasn't at home, he must have went to the town...' as I made way to the front lawn of house I saw the Sudan car was still parked in front of the garage..

I started to feel a little bit anxious, but then I thought to myself

'His staff or co-worker must have picked him up to work...yeah that's how he left to work, but why didn't he take the car? is it out of gas?' I went to check if the key's are still at home and they were, neatly placed on the Kitchen counter where he last left them.

 I felt a little bit nervous because he would have taken the car keys if he had tried to check if the car had been still some gas left inside.....

I quickly got dressed and took the car key's and turned on the car it was operating perfectly, 'that's odd...if it works just fine why didn't he take the car?'  I turned off the car and got inside the house.

I turned on the television to have some form of social activity to feel a little bit safer but all I can think what if the 'I'm all alone at night? then what, don't think like that he's gonna come back he probably went out with some of his co-workers and is gonna be back shortly.' 

That's what I truly thought I was so engrossed in watching television that I didn't notice the time go by quickly and night time finally came upon me.

I took out my LG phone and looked up the time, 'it was 9:00PM and he was still not home yet...okay I have to call him.' I phoned his cell phone but nothing he didn't even pick up the phone to check if it was me, then I could hear the phone ringing inside the house.

My cell phone just said "the number you are call isn't in service right now, please hang up and try to call again..."

I felt a strange sense of dread that came over me, when I didn't check the basement were the sound of a phone was coming from.. 

I slowly made my way to the basement door that was near the living room attic I could only hear my heart beat faster 'oh god no don't tell me....' I phoned Xander's cell once more.

And I could hear faint cell phone ringing coming from the basement, that's when I knew that something had happened to him and I wasn't aware for 10-11 hours...

I opened the door just a crack and saw a faint light from the cell phone come from the basement stairs. I made a really brave move I turned on the basement light quickly, and saw that the basement was really awful I couldn't move and inch when I saw what I saw everything in the basement looked like something from a torture session...I felt sickened I could smell rotting blood.

it was really hard to breath it was like whole new other world down here, 'It was really shocking to see that the previous owner that had the house in his/her possession did something awful down there....I quickly took the phone and quickly got up the stair's...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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