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Ello! This is very first fan fiction, so I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment any suggestions, or anything at all. Each comment is read, however, so please don't say just simple hatred. Thanks! xx

"Harry! I swear to God if you don't wake up, I'm burning everything you own! Starting with those stupid, glittery boots!" Niall yells through my door, interuptting my strange dream.

"Calm your tits, Horan. I'm getting up!" I shout, throwing one of my navy-blue pillows at my door. 

"I'm not a girl, ya doof. But, if I was..."

"Niall! Harry! Both of you! Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Zayn screams, exrtremly pissed.

"Yeah, yeah, your Royal Highness. Get your beauty sleep." Niall jokes, pounding on the wall before peeking his  blonde head into my door.

"I'm burning your boots in one minute if you don't get up." Niall holds up my boots, dangling them in the little sliver of the open door.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me, Styles." Niall's cocky smirk leaves, and I bolt out of bed, not wanting to have glittery ash instead of my boots.

Slamming open my door, I see Niall, failing to strike a match to my boots. I sigh, grabbing my boots and clutching them to my chest, whispering to them. Ohkay, I need to get out more.

Niall stares at me, then starts to laugh. "You.. you talk to shoes?! What's next, a talking rabbit pops out of your closet?"

I roll my eyes at him, then turn to go down the stairs. Bounding down the carpeted stairs, I jump the last two, and land in the living room. Turning on the TV, I see Keeping Up With The Kardshians is on. I settle back into the couch cushions, but feel something lumpy underneath me. Pulling it out, I see the squished remains of a vanilla cupcake, most likely store-bought. I exhale, knowing that I probably have a frosting-covered butt.

But, hey, at least I have a sweet booty!

I mentally have a laugh attack, and go to tell Niall and Zayn, but I meet them at the bottom of the stairs, while Zayn looks aggratved yet concerned yet sleep-deprived.

Niall sees the cupcake and says, "Oh, that was meant to be eaten..."

"Yeah? Well, now it's covering my ass. Even though I have a sweet booty now, I'd like to go change."

Zayn shakes his head, putting his hands on my shoulders and steering me back to the leather couch, Niall following behind.

"Guys, what's going on? Is this some intervention? I'm not doing drugs, I swear." I say, covering my wrists.

"Yes, Harry, this is an intervention. But, no, it's not for drugs. It's about your social life."

I look at them, confused. "What?! My social life is fine!"

Niall sits down next to me, forcefully pulling me into his side.  I crane my neck, insanely uncomftorable, to look at Niall.

"You see, Haz, you don't have a social life."

I try to interupt, but Niall covers my mouth. Licking his hand, I glare at him. He wipes his hand on his pants, and starts once more.

"You don't have a social life, and that's a problem. Me and Zayn-"

"Zayn and I." I correct, smiling at myself.

Niall rolls his eyes. "Zayn and I are concerned about your non-existent social life. We think you need to get out of the house, and before you say anything, going to the bakery and the stores do not count as going out. You need to have fun! Go to some clubs!"

I jerk up right, adjusting my glasses. "What? Clubs? I don't do clubs. You should know this. It's crazy, and besides, if you're thinking about hooking me up with someone, don't even think about it. It's. Not. Happening." I scowl, standing up and storming off.

Zayn catches up to me, and grabs my arm. "Haz, we only care about your well being."

I sigh, and turn around. "Yes, I know. But, I'm fine, guys, I swear."

I bound up the steps, going back into my room, and shutting the door. Going to my miniscule closet, I grab an oversized beige sweater, and some new black skinny jeans. People may judge me, but I just love the tightness of women's skinny jeans. 

Changing out of my cupcake- pants and hoodie, and into my new clothes, I decide to spice it up and wear some black Vans, away from my usual Converse and boots.

Leaving my dirty clothes on the floor, I grab my wallet, ready to go to the bakery for a quick snack, and maybe to check in.

A thunder clap startles me, and I shiver, hating storms. I grab the black Mickey Mouse umbrella near my door (a gift from Gemma) and open the door once more. I see Zayn and Niall in the bathroom, discussing something.

"Guys! I'm going out! Be back in an hour!"

Niall and Zayn stop talking, and look at me. Niall cracks a smile and says "Alright! Don't die!"

"I'll try!" I laugh, and sprint down the steps once more, nearly tripping. Should probably tie my shoe-laces.

I bend down to tie them, and fixing my jeans, I stand up, going towards the door.

"Bye, guys!" I yell, opening the grey door. Not waiting for a response, I close it, and lock it. I inhale, breathing in the fresh air.

I leave the flat, waving to Mrs. Piera across the street. Such a sweet old lady. I decide to leave my car, and walk up to the bakery, a skip in my step. Ending up a cross-road, I press the button for the signal to walk, but it takes a while. I look around, seeing that even though there was thunder, there's no rain.

"Hi! I'm Kendall!" A voice says, and I jump into the air.

I turn to my right and I see a girl, around eighteen, smiling at me. Her straight black hair cascading down her back, her white dress really shining. I smile politetly back, and say, 'I'm Harry, very nice to meet you."

"Would you like to go for a coffee, Harry?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm late for... work." I lie, not wanting to go out with Kendall.

"Oh, okay. Can I at least walk with you?" She asks, looking down at her heels, then back at me.

"Sure?" I agree, and finally the 'walk' signal is there.

There's an awkarad silence, and I suddenly feel a droplet on my head. Looking up, I see rain falling from the sky, so I quickly open up my umbrella. Kendall looks at me, and I sigh, nodding. She slides next to me, underneath the umbrella. She smiles at me, then closes her eyes.

My breath catches in my throat, and I can't breathe suddenly. I shout, "No!" and run away, dropping my umbrella in the process. 

I run for who knows how long, until I'm mid-city, and the sky is getting darker by the second. I stop to catch my breath, and I realize something.

I really don't like people.

Alright! Fan, follow, comment, vote! ♥♥ Share! ♥♥ Sorry if it seems a tad boring, I swear it wil get better <3

 Guys, I swear I will give ya a shout out and dedication if YA VOTE!!! Or follow. Ooooo or both.

Not A Villain (Lirry/Nouis)  *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now