Chapter 20>Real Or Fake?

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Harry's P.O.V

No. This can not be real!

I want to wake up, next to Liam! I wish that I never met Liam… so I'd never have this heartbreak. I would take anything to go back time to save Liam…

Does this mean I love him?

Yes, I suppose it does mean this.

I love Liam James Payne.

God, I'd scream this to the world… literally.

Hmm, maybe in the court case I could.

Oh, yes, a court case! I'm going to a court case to decide Liam's fate!

"H-H-Harry!" Niall yells, attacking me with a hug.

I stumble back into the house. Zayn follows me and Niall, and closes the door.

"Zayn…Niall! I missed you guys so much!" I sob.

"We missed you, too!" Zayn admits.

I smile. "So, Niall… where's Lou?" I ask sheepishly.

Niall lets go of me, and glares at me with icy eyes.

"He lied to me. I d-don't c-care about him!" Niall hiccups, brushing his eyes.

"RUBBISH! COMPLETE AND UTTER RUBBISH!" I argue, smacking Niall upside the head.

"Hey!" Niall shouts in surprise.

"Don't you hey me! You call Louis and tell him that-"

I'm interrupted by an annoying beep emitting from Niall's phone.

"Ugh, that must be him." Niall groans in disgust.

"Answer it." I demand.


I snatch the phone out of his hand, and hold behind my back.

Silently pressing the call button, I glare at Niall.

"Niall, say the utter truth about how you feel about Louis."

"I love him, Harry. I love him so much, it hurts. But, he kept a huge secret from me. Knowing where you are! Harry, that's huge, and important. But, I saw how depressed and emotional you were when Liam was being arrested. You love him, Harry. Just like I love Louis. If I could tell Louis that… but he'd never believe me. He's so perfect, and I'm not. He could have any guy in the world, but yet he chooses me. Me! A blonde, Irish, boring guy. He'd never take me back. He's probably with some guy, already forgotten bout me. He's probably just calling to rub it in. But, here I am, sobbing and missing him. I'm in denial. I love him… I love him." Niall admits, telling the truth.

Sobs come out of the speaker in the phone.

"Niall, baby, please don't cry anymore. It hurts me to hear you cry." Louis chokes, still sobbing.

Niall gasps. "Lou? W-Where are you?"

A shadow appears from the kitchen, and Louis shuffles in, sobbing.

"Right here, babe, missing you." Louis smiles softly.

I awe mentally at their cuteness.

"BOOBEAR!" Niall squeaks, then jumps into Louis' waiting arms.

He peppers Louis' face with small kisses.

"I… missed… you…so…damn…much!" Niall mumbles between kisses.

"Baby, you don't have to anymore. I'm not leaving again. U-unless y-you want m-me to." Louis sniffs.

"You are never leaving me! I-I love you!" Niall sobs into Louis' shoulder.

"I-I love you, too." Louis whispers.

"AWWWWW! That is adorable!" I fangirl, spasming.

"Yay! The kidnapper's best friend is dating my best friend!" Zayn scowls, words dripping in sarcasm.

"Zayn! What the hell is your problem?" I yell.

"You wanna know what my problem is? You can't be happy with your kidnapper, Harry! I don't mind you and Niall being gay, really, I have no problem. But, you're in love with your kidnapper, and Niall, you're in love with the kidnapper's BFF! That's so wrong!"



OH CHIZ BOUT TO GO DOWN!! So, 320 reads and 15 votes/comments!

Also, check out my story Are You Real? Narry/Lilo



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