Chapter 10>Nouis-Sure Is

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Louis' P.O.V. You're welcome Peasantz.

Woah, that was unexpected. Well, my sassy comments just come naturally.

Like my dirty thoughts… I can practically make a dirty joke out of anything!

But, Mr. Payne had no good reason to yell at Harry like that! Poor bloke, probably traumatized as it is.

I need to get my mind off this… situation.

Ah ha! The park!

"…kay?" Liam concludes, drawing me out off my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say, epically confused.

"I was just saying how maybe you can get some groceries and stuff?" Liam begs.

"Ehhhhhh, no. I'm going to the park. See ya in a hour or so! Oh, and also. I think your green eyed lover is waiting!"  I squeal.

Oh my Nandos. I'm a freaking fangirl.

Louis! Newsflash! You're not a girl, so you're a fanboy!

Shut it, thoughts. You can't out-sass me.

I fly out of my chair and dash to the front door, not waiting for a reply from Liam.

But we all know what's going to happen. If you know what I mean…

The front door flies open with a snap of the outside wind, and I feel a storm coming on.

Not caring, I hop outside like a Easter Bunny on crack and slam the door behind me.

I stroll down the driveway, and out onto the sidewalk.

Yeah, just cause Liam is a kidnapper doesn't mean that he can't live in society.

Hey now, Liam isn't a kidnapper. He's just a boy that wants his father's love.

Woah there, thoughts. Don't go all Dr.Phil on me.

Mentally shaking my head, I spot a park, about two blocks away.

Giddy with excitment for some unknown reason, I race the wind to the park.

The wind rips my hair back and stings my face, but I don't mind.

A slight drizzle appears as I catch my breath.

Being the rebel I am, I veer myself towards the rusty swing set.  As I near it, my heart almost stops.

A boy, no a man, probably around twenty, sits on a swing, swinging slightly back and forth.

His delicate blond quiff is messed up, and his pale hands shake and shiver with every swing.

I come closer and plop myself next to him.

"H-hey." I whisper, my voice cracking.

Blondie turns his head up, and I have to hold back a gasp. His

ocean blue eyes seemed glazed, and I can immediately see he's crying. His nose is scrunched up, almost like he's in pain.

"H-hi." Blondie croaks out in a adorable Irish accent.

I resist the urge to hug him,but after moments of useless inner battling, I hug the sadness out of Blondie. I don't let go, and I don't have plans to.

Blondie seems to relax then his body goes rigid.

"Why are you hugging me? I don't want your damn pity!" Blondie shouts, trying to escape my grip.


Really, Louis. You're gonna scare him away!

"I'm not straight!  I'm bi…There, I said it. You're the only one who knows, besides Zayn and H-Harry…" Blondie cries, then literally starts crying.

Wait… Harry? Oh, crap.

"Shh, don't cry." I murmur into his hair, but yet I can't help but smile. He's bi.  I HAVE A CHANCE!  And we're still hugging.

Really, Louis? He just lost his best friend and you're flirting?!

"W-why shouldn't I? My best friend in the whole world got kidnapped! And it's all my fault!" Blondie hiccups, and I can hear my heart shatter.

"Oh hush. It's not your fault. Okay? Now, what's your name, cutie?" I slightly flirt, slightly comfort.

Dear God, his friend just got kidnapped two days ago  and here you are, flirting.

"Niall…" He whispers, and smiles.

Hmm. Don't you mean an angel?

As soon as he says this, the sky opens up and rain comes pummeling down like bullets.

"Shittake mushrooms! Follow me, cutie!" Niall shrieks, and I follow without question.

He called me cute! Oh yes, I have a chance.

Oh, yes you do! If you don't tell him that you know, you're friends with the kidnapper of his best friend!

After a minute of running, we reach a silver Buggie and I giggle. I actually freaking giggle.

He clicks a button on a key chain that magically appeared in his hand.

He opens the door for me, and the downpour flattens his blonde quiff.

I slide in, the rain making the leather hard.

He closes the door gently, then does the same for himself.

Once we are both safely inside the car, Niall- my hopefully future husband- turns toward to me with a small smile.

"Sooooo, what's your name?" Niall asks, dragging out the o in so.

"L-Lewis. N-No! Damn, I'm Louis. Not Lewis." I stutter.

Hah, you messed up your own name! What's next?!

Niall gives me a questioning look, but I quickly solve that. I pull my I.D. out of my pocket and show it to him.

"Oh! Okay, I was just a tad confused. But, this seems legit. Oh…and only two years older…" Niall mumbles the end, but I hear him and blush.

I hand him the I.D. to keep for now.

"I-er, shouldn't we get going? I would love to spend who knows how long in this car with a perfectly Irish handsome stranger, but I really think we should at least go to a bakery or something." I suggest.

Niall freezes, then starts to sob.

Good job. You made him cry!

"Ni! I'm so sorry, what I did I say? I'll leave if you want…" I ramble.

"No, don't go! I-I mean, if y-you want. It's just that…Harry… he used to go to this little bakery a-across the street and b-buy little donuts for me whenever I f-felt sad…" Niall cries.

"Shhhh, babe, it's gonna be alright. I'm here. We'll find Harry, I promise you." I murmur into Niall's hair, and then kissing it lightly.

I mean it. I will get Harry back with Niall. Even if I lose Liam.

Not A Villain (Lirry/Nouis)  *MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now