Defend myself

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Hi again! I am trying to upload. Hope you like the new chapter. Please vote and comment.


I had no idea what to do. As soon as we got to a car, I was tied up, blindfolded and gagged. Then I was thrown into the trunk.  Every time we turned, I was thrown against the side, hitting my head and body many times. I was sore and bruised by the time we finally stopped.

When they opened the trunk, the sudden sunlight temporarily blinded me. The two men grabbed me again and hauled me to a house. There were no sounds at all, until I heard a door open and close near me. I was set down in what I think is a chair, but I wasn't sure. The gag was taken off, and my mouth was parched, but I was silent still. I was scared. What was I going to do? That's when I noticed the silence that surrounded me. Then something else hit me. I realized that one of them had said my name. How would they know my name?

I was scared. I wasn't able to move or see and even though I was able to talk, I didn't for fear of getting hurt. I shivered, suddenly cold. "Oh, the little Rose is cold." I heard an evil voice say behind me. I could hear the sarcasm that he portrayed. "Well, be good and we might reward you. If you don't, you'll suffer greatly. Do you understand?" He snarled at me. I nodded, too frightened to open my mouth. "I see you won't give us any trouble by talking. Good. Now I'm leaving. I might come back with food, if I think you deserve it." I nodded again. The door slammed and I wasleft alone, I think.

I shiver again. Then I hear low voices in the hall. I can barely catch what they are saying. "I like her. She's hot."

"Well you don't get to have her. If her parents get a photo of her harmed, they'll never pay the ransom."

"Fine. I'll wait, just as long as I get to have her, once."

"later, once we take four pictures. You have to wait at least four days." I hear a sigh. I nearly choke on tears. I had to get out of there before that happened. But how?


Hope you liked it. I will update again soon. Please vote and comment.

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