The girl and an unexpected event

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I was still shivering a lot when someone came in, making me jump. I stiffened. "No need to be scared right now. I am only here to help a little bit. The things I do may be small, but it's all I can. Sorry." I hear a girl's voice drift toward mr. The blindfold came off and I saw a young girl in front of me. "I was kidnapped too, but they have been using me to be nice to the other girls they kidnap. I just hope I can get you out of here alive." That's when I notice she's holding a blanket.

" I will try my best to do anything I can to help, but there are some things I just can't do. I cannot untie you, but am able to give you a blanket and some food. You are not the only one I've tried to help live. I just hope I can succeed this time." She said more to herself than to me.

"Thank you. How long have you been here?" 

"You're welcome. I have been here for about four years. In that time, I have tried to help about thirty girls, and seen them murdered even after I tried to get them out. I am sorry. I do not mean to frighten you more. What's wrong?" her voice was panicked all of a sudden. She must have seen that I was having trouble breathing.

"Asthma," I gasped out. Her eyes got large.

"Oh no. This has never happened. I will be back in a few."

With that, she ran out of the room. I heard some argueing and caught a few words. "Need... alive.... trying... her... inhaler...can get... me... escort me." That's all I heard, but I knew what it was about, even in my current situation. My lungs started closing up more and it was even harder to breathe now. I had no idea what to do when I didn't have my medication. it had never happened before. I started seeing spots and my vision started fading. I was losing consciousness. Everything went black after a while, and I knew I was dying.

I was not ready to say goodbye, but I was already leaving.

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