This is not over

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Hope you liked the book very much. This is the last chapter, but I will be making a second book for this. I might even make a third if you want. Please vote and comment.


Scott was still asleep. but both wounds were still bleeding profusely. Earlier, Mitzi washed her bandage and gave it to me do I could use it on him. Then she gave me her jacket for his other wound. I looked at her as if to confirm that she really wanted to do this. She nodded silently and laid back down, supposedly to rest.  His wounds were wrapped now and the bleeding slowed, and that's when I saw a window on the other side of the room, painted over with dark paint, making it almost invisible. I jumped up from my spot on the floor and ran over to the window I noticed that it wasn't locked and was easy to open, to my surprise. I couldn't believe it took me this long to realize that this was here.

I pushed it up and looked outside. At first, the sunlight nearly blinded me because I hadn't been outside in a long time. I soon got used to the light and was able to see an unfamiliar place that I had never seen before. I heard distant sirens, but I couldn't see them. I closed it and went back to Scott. Just then, there were more gunshots and I jumped. Doors banged and there was yelling. I couldn't discern anything they were saying. All of a sudden, our door opened. I ran to Mitzi without even looking back.

She was huddled under the blanket like a little girl, even though she was really fourteen, like me. Her blue eyes were filled with fear and her creamy, snowy blond hair was frizzy. I spun around, ready to fight. Instead I saw policemen waiting, not wanting to frighten us. I dropped my defensive pose, but stayed with Mitzi. She was clutching my hand, and I squeezed it reassuringly.They had guns, but they weren't pointed at me. Behind them were more policemen, holding the other guy. I had never learned his name, but I didn't want to, ever.  He was a terrible person in my perspective, but it didn't matter.

The first policeman motioned for me to come forward, and said something, but I couldn't hear it. I shook my head. He started walking towards me, but I backed up. I was scared, though something told me I shouldn't be. He made me nervous though. My breathing became shallower and I kept backing up until I was against a wall. I was trapped and it frightened me. He was getting closer to me with every second. his movements weren't threatening, but after what I had gone through, I went into super protection mode.

He was right in front of me and I cowered against the wall, trying to get as far away from him as possible. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand it. It was like my brain had blocked out all noise. All of a sudden, my lungs started closing up and I was gasping for breathe. I knew that my anic was causing an asthma attack. I fell to the floor, and looked up at Mitzi with pleading eyes. She got the message immediately and went quickly to get my inhaler. While she was gone, I seem to have blacked out.

The next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a white room with almost no sunlight coming in. I didn't know how much time had passed, but it must have been a lot. I saw that I was on a white bed with white sheets. It took me a while to register that I was in a hospital. I saw flashes of blurry images before my vision, but I saw them clearly. I was very confused for a moment, then I realized that those were memories of my kidnapping experience. I just wanted them to go away, but I didn't know if they ever would. Just then I saw man next to my bed. It was the policeman that had scared me in the building. I shrank away from him considerably, not wanting to put myself in any more danger than I could help.

"Now I understand why you're afraid. What he did to you was horrible." He said softly, almost in a whisper. "You are pregnant, but I am sure you can handle it better than most." I sat up suddenly, thinking about something and scared to ask the question that haunted my mind. I knew that I had to though, because the question would never go away until I knew the answer and I didn't want to be anxious about it all my life.

"What about Mitzi?" I was fearful that she didn't make it. "And Scott?"I wouldn't look at him while he told me the answer and he didn't look at me.

"They're fine and are getting better." I breathed out, relieved. "Oh, and this was left for you at the hospital desk. Don't worry. I didn't read it." He handed me a closed envelope. I took it from him cautiously. He turned and left the room to give me some privacy. I ripped open the top and pulled out the single sheet of paper stuck in there slowly.

I read it and turned white from fear. I reread it, to make sure that I hadn't been hallucinating while reading it. I hadn't been, because it said the same thing the second time I read it. The piece of paper said, "I will be back. Prepare yourself. Next time, it will be worse. I might come after your child, or your friends. I might even do to them what I did to you. Hope that will teach you not to mess  with me. I will be in contact and watching you." I breathed in. I clutched at my middle, tears streaming down my face. I was definitely going to keep my baby, because an abortion was wrong and giving it up for adoption might make my baby think that I didn't love it, but I didn't want to risk the life of it. I had a choice to make, but didn't know what I should do. I knew that this wasn't over yet, and would take a long time to settle it peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2012 ⏰

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