Gunshots heard

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Hope you like it. Sorry I haven't uploaded. One more chapters and the book is at it's end. Stick around to read the second book. Please vote and comment! Here's a pic of Rose--->


I was tired, but I didn't want to leave Mitzi unprotected. I had to keep my strength though if I wanted to be able to protect her, or ever get us out of here. I laid down that night, all too aware that it had been four days while Mitzi was asleep. I kept having dreams of being helpless to help anyone, or watching Mitzi die while I was stuck where I was.

I woke up in the morning, my first thought that another night had passed where she hadn't woken up. I stood up from the ground and started walking towards the radio to turn it on. I heard a sound from behind me just then and I spun around. Mitzi was sitting up in the bed, looking better than she had for a long time.

She still looked pale and sleepy, but that was okay. I rushed up quickly and hugged her gently. Then I had her lay back down. "He was planning on shooting you and I jumped in front of you, to defend you. I got shot in the process." I was overjoyed at hearing her speak until I realized what she had said.

"Yes. You didn't have to do that. Why did you?"

"Yes I did. I care about you and didn't want you to get hurt. For some reason, I feel differently about you, in a good way."

We were quiet for a few minutes. Then she said, "I know about the dream two nights ago. I was asleep, but I could still hear and feel you. I just wish I could have hugged you back." she whispered mournfully.

"That's okay. I kinda went crazy," I said back. The door started creaking open, so I spun around to face whoever it was.

"Oh, Scott, you scared me," I breathed out when I saw that it was only him in the doorway. I wondered what he wanted.

"Sorry. I wanted to talk to you." I heard Mitzi gasp, so I turned back to face her.  She was sitting up again, this time staring in horror at Scott. "Oh, she's awake. I didn't realize that until now." Happiness showed on his face and I knew that he was overjoyed that she finally woke up.

"it's okay, Mitzi. Trust me. I will tell you about this later." She nodded and laid back down, but I knew that she was still worried.

"Could we talk in private?" he asked. I turned once again.

"Sure." We walked to the far side of the room Neither of us talked at first.

"I'm going to call the police and give them our location soon. I will make sure we stay here, so they will find us." My eyes widened. "I was going to tell you that I was thinking about this, but when I saw Mitzi awake, I decided to go with it. To me it seems like this is all I can do."

"Wow. Thank you." I said astonished.

"Of course. I will call them tomorrow morning," he finished and said goodbye while leaving the room. I stood there, silent.

Then I felt arms around my waist, so I turned my head. "Hi Mitzi." I turned all the way around and hugged her back. "How much did you hear?" I asked her after a moment. She didn't pull away.

"Only the part where he said he's calling the police tomorrow morning. What's going on?" She sounded terrified, but at the same time, relieved.

"I told you I would explain, and I will. But first, what are you doing up? You are supposed to be resting on the bed." I scolded gently. She understood what I meant.

"I saw you two talking and I was curious, so I got up and made my way over here, slowly. Then I heard the last part. After a moment, I decided to hug you." She was still clinging to me as if I was a lifeline. I didn't even try to pull her away. I just walked with her towards the bed. I smiled faintly.

We talked for a while. I told her about the stream that I love so much. So much time passed and we didn't even notice until Scott came back in with some dinner. I looked at him. "It's already dinner time?" He nodded. "Wow. We didn't even notice this as we talked." He set the tray down and left. I guessed he was trying to keep his boss from guessing what he had planned. I shrugged it off and we began eating. Then I told her about Scott and how he was on our team. I didn't know why, but I was glad. She became more relaxed and I let her lay down.

After that, we were both very tired, so I pulled the covers up on her and laid down on the floor. I had no dreams that night, but I woke up to a gunshot. When another sounded. I looked at Mitzi. She was awake, and alarm showed in her eyes. I got up and started towards the door. I couldn't open it, though, because it was still locked. I wanted to know what was going on. I was very curious, but I wouldn't leave Mitzi.

I walked back, my curiosity growing larger. Just then the door opened and Scott was thrown in here. He had two gun wounds on his shoulder and leg. I stared at him, only hoping that he was alive and would survive long enough for the police to help him. His eyes fluttered open. "I called them. They're on their way." His eyes closed again, but his pulse and breathing were normal. I breathed out in relief.

"Thank you so much," I whispered. Then I leaned forward and gently kissed his four head.

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