Outta The Bag (40)

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Chapter 40

Alexis rolled to her side, feeling disgruntled. She couldn’t sleep. Her eyes were burning and her brain was tired but no, she couldn’t sleep. She was beside herself with worry over Nate and even though she trusts him to take care of himself, she was worried. She had stayed up, planning on waiting for the guys to come back but her eyes had started to tear up from staring at the same page in her novel that she had given up and decided to sleep. Half an hour later, she was still up. What the hell. Sighing, she kicked away the sheets and climbed out of bed. Cheryl hasn’t come to sleep yet either. Might as well see what she’s up to.

Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she shuffled down the stairs where she could hear the TV. She peeked in to see Cheryl who was still in her day clothes, sipping coffee, curled up in the couch. She was staring at the TV but didn’t seem to be watching it.

“Cheryl?” she said, walking in and slumping down on the couch next to her. “Hey.” Cheryl didn’t even give a start. Alexis pressed the mute button on the remote and settled down on the cushions. 

“Couldn’t sleep?” said Cheryl. Alex nodded, throwing her head back against the couch. Cheryl looked exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hair looked kinda frizzy. 

“Me neither. But I usually can’t sleep when the guys are out,” Cheryl said and then her eyes widened at her mistake. Alexis took the chance.

“Out huh. Out as in a mission?” Alex asked, shifting to face the other woman. The hand holding the mug froze as Cheryl turned to look at her. “What do you mean?” she said, her voice infinitely calm.

“Cheryyyyl,” she pouted. “Tell me. I need to know. Please.”

“Tell you what?” The older woman turned to face the TV and stared at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

“What’s going on here? Or shall I tell you what I have guessed?” When Cheryl didn’t say anything, she took it as a yes and launched into her conclusions.

“When I was kidnapped, I happened to have stumbled into a mission where Nate and Ash and Kyle and Adam were working on and now I am being held hostage, though not really as a hostage but I think I am not allowed to go. I mean it’s almost one month and I have been treated so well here and I want to know what’s going on—”

Cheryl raised her hands in defeat. "Okay okay. I'll tell you." She set down the mug on the floor and leaned back. "Now that Nate has gone and fallen in love with you, I know he wouldn't let you go after this whole mess—”

"Wait what? Nate loves me?" Alex cried, a rush of heat spreading across her face. Cheryl gave her A Look and resumed, "And I know that I will get blamed for this but yes, they went on a mission, we aren't thieves and kidnappers and we work for a good cause. I won't tell you to which organization we belong to—”

"ACI!" chirped Alex like an idiot, her brain gone stupid after hearing that Nate loved her. No that can't be possible was what was running through her mind. However, the next second Cheryl had lunged and now was straddling her, one hand around her neck, the other fishing out a handgun from who knows where. Alexis choked. 

"How do you," said Cheryl, pushing her platinum blonde hair to the side, "know about the ACI? Are you a spy by any chance?"

"What?" Alex squeaked. "No! I-I eavesdropped. That day you first came here." Her eyes trained on the gun Cheryl was casually holding. "I wanted to know. That's all."

Cheryl stared at her before giving a 'hmph' and released her. "Can't be too careful around here. I've had enough of double crossings." She slid the handgun to the waistband of her jeans and sat back. 

"Now that you know that as well I think you wouldn't be allowed to go anyway." She sent her a glance and raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning on staying like that or—?"

Alexis quickly righted her position from sprawled on the couch to seated upright. Who would have known Cheryl could take down people so easily? She eyed Cheryl and went, "The safety's on right? In the gun?"

"Yeah," Cheryl replied dryly. 

Alex took in a deep breath. "So the cat's out of the bag huh."

"Seems to be so," Cheryl agreed. 

"Was...was tonight's mission dangerous?" she asked in a small voice. Alex didn't want to let her know how worried she was. She bit her lip, insecure. Cheryl's face twisted and she sighed. "I don't know. It could be though. That's why I'm up."

She looked at Alexis and nodded at her. "And that's why you are up as well," she said with a gentle smile. 

And I'm back? Eeep. 


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