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WARNING: I wrote this book when i was like 13 so the grammar is a bit questionable and you will notice that 13 year old me didn't understand that a 3 MONTH OLD BABY CANT TALK, WALK, OR UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON (sorry to everyone who had to go through that mess) lmao but i hope you enjoy the book anyway, thanks for reading. :) (Also i haven't really been into dave Franco much since i wrote these books so i haven't been motivated to edit them but if anyone really wants it, dm me and i'll try editing them :) )

(Emma's Point Of View)

"What did you want to talk about Dylan?" I asked as i spotted his figure. "Emma! There's something that i need to tell you. I really don't want to tell you but I've been ordered by the eye to...-" "Just cut to the chase Dylan! Why'd you call me here? What's happening?" I cut him off. He signed. "The eye needs you to go on a... quest." He answered. "And?" I asked waiting for more details. "You can't tell the Horsemen about it, and... it'll be for a year." He finished looking down. "What-what do i have to do?" I asked unsure. "I'm sorry but i can't tell you unless i know 100% that you'll do it..." He responded looking down. "I-I'll do it!" He looked at me shocked. "I know Danny and Jack may hate me afterwards but it's for a good cause right?" I asked Dylan. He just nodded. This is going to be a long year.

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