Chapter 5 ~ The Truth Comes Out

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(Emma's Point of View)

When me and Danny got to the meeting point, he suddenly spoke.

"Why did you leave Emma?" He asked not even looking at me.

"Danny, i really don't want to talk about this okay? So can we just drop it?" I asked.

"No, no. I'm curious. Why? Why did you abandon us? Merritt was really out of it, so were me and Henley, and then Jack was depressed. He thought it was his fault. We all did. We thought you left because we did something wrong. But i feel different about that now. So why?" He asked looking at me sadly.

"You guys never told me what happened to Henley." I said quietly.

"She got bored. We weren't doing anything and she missed you so she left. Without a word. Just like you did. But i still don't know why you left. Why won't you tell us? You can trust us." He whispered to me and tears slowly fell down my cheeks.

"I-i'm sorry Danny. I just can't. Please understand." I whispered back.

"Danny, Emma, hey." I heard Dylan's voice and quickly wiped my tears away.

"Dylan." Danny said.

"I blew it, I'm sorry." Dylan continued.

"What are you doing here?" Danny questioned, looking around.

"I'm here to help now." Dylan answered.

"Okay, we definitely don't need your help." Danny replied.

"I know, I messed up, all right?" Dylan said.

"Yeah, you put everybody's lives in danger." Danny said.

"Where is everybody?" Dylan asked.

"We can't be seen with you, actually, right now." Danny said looking around again.

"I got it now, okay?" Dylan told him. "I appreciate you taking the time to take control for a little while."

"Hey, I'm actually... Yeah?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, but I got it now, all right?" Dylan informed.

"You do?" Danny questioned.

"Yeah." Dylan replied.

"You look like you can get some rest, buddy." Danny said looking at Dylan.

"Who you meeting here?" Dylan asked suspiciously.

"We're- we're not meeting anybody." Danny told him.

"They told me at long's you were meeting somebody." Dylan replied.

"At long's?" Danny asked. Okay, yeah, no, we're, um... I'm meeting somebody from the Eye. Yeah, no, they agreed to meet us to exchange this computer chip for our lives back. So that's what it's come to now. I hope you're happy
with the situation you've put us in." Danny started to guilt trip him.

"You're talking to the Eye?" Dylan asked.

"Yup." I finally spoke.

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