Chapter 6 ~ Forgiveness and Back On The Spotlight

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(Emma's Point Of View)

Suddenly, i started coughing and i sprang up into a sitting position.

"Jesus, you scared the hell out of me!!" I heard Jack exclaim and i soon found my lips being taken over. I slowly melted into the kiss and started to kiss him back. Then we broke apart.

"Em i love you. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I-" He started.

"Jack." I whispered.

"Lula told us everything." He whispered back. My eyes widened and i looked over to Lula. She shook her head slightly and i let out a sign of relief. I'm not ready to tell them about Shay. That'll have to be for another time.

"Of course i forgive you Jack. I love you too." I whispered.

"Eh-hem. Now that that overload of PDA is over, Emma, I'm so sorry for giving you a hard time. No hard feelings?" Merritt asked.

"No hard feelings." I responded with a small laugh.

(Danny's Point Of View)

I just saw there silently as everything i said came back to me.

"No! Danny! Don't you understand?!
They're gonna use that on Dylan! Dylan is Shrike's son! We have to go help him!" She pleaded.

"No! Emma, that's not our problem! If he's dead, then, well, he's dead. There's nothing we can do about it." I argued.

"What are you talking about?! If it weren't for Dylan, you wouldn't have met your own sister! How do you feel about what you just said now?! You wouldn't have met me, or Jack or Merritt, and you would still be doing street performances, trying to impress sluts! How do you feel about that huh?! Is that what you want?!" She yelled.

"Maybe it is! Maybe i wish i never met you!! Maybe i wish i was still doing street performances, impressing sluts!! Maybe i never wanted any of this to ever happen! Sometimes i do wish that i never met you!" I shouted back and her eyes widened.

"Well if that's how you think, I'll just go save Dylan alone and you can go on and live your perfect old life like it used to be and just forget about me!" She yelled back, running to save Dylan.

How could i say something like that?! I can't believe it. And even if she forgives me, i won't be able to forgive myself.

(Emma's Point Of View)

After we all thanked Dylan for everything, he brought us to the magic shop. That's when Bu Bu and Li introduced themselves to the rest of the horsemen and we planned on getting back at Walter and Arthur.

Jack walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm.

"Hey babe. You okay?" He asked kissing me on the cheek.

"Yeah. I just need to go to the bathroom." I told him, getting up from my seat. I went to the back and saw Shay sitting on her bed, playing with Jack's deck of cards.

"Hey sweety." I whispered.

"Mommy!" She hugged me, not caring that I'm still a bit wet. "You said that i can see my daddy soon. Can i?" She asked.

"Well, you can see him but you can only meet him tonight okay?" I asked her and she nodded. I brought her to the door frame that had a curtain and i opened it slightly, showing the horsemen.

"That's uncle Merritt," I pointed to Merritt. "Uncle Dylan, Uncle Danny," I pointed to the two. "And... That's daddy." I pointed to Jack.

"Daddy is handsome, mommy. Is that why you married him?" She asked.

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