Chapter 2 ~ Oh no...

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1 year later (approximately)
( Emma's Point Of View )

"M-m-mommy!" She exclaimed.

"Yes! Good girl Shay!" I grinned picking up the relatively young toddler and spinning her around while she giggled. That is, until i heard a knock on the door.

"Coming! Sweety, stay here okay? Mommy will be right back." I whispered ruffling the little girl's hair.
"Dylan!" I exclaimed opening the door. "Come in!" He came in and walked around.

"So... How's Shay?" He asked.

"Well, she's really advanced for a 3 month old! I mean, she might just be a genius." I smiled at him.

"Well i have to say, she gets it from her mother." He smiled looking towards the family room where Shay was playing with a deck of cards. Well not just any deck of cards. It belonged to Jack... and i felt bad for taking it at first but then i got over it.

"Mommy! Look!" She shuffled the deck like a pro causing Dylan to smile warmly at her. "- who's that mommy??" She asked.

"Shay, honey, this is Uncle Dylan." I smiled at her. "U-uncle D-dylan!" She grinned.

"Well, i just came here because i had to tell you that you're leaving soon." Dylan whispered and my eyes widened.

"What?!" I whisper/shouted. "We talked about this!" My hands flew up as we reached the kitchen.

"Em, you can't just leave the horsemen! Not when they need you the most." He reasoned.

"They already think I'm gone forever! What's the difference!?" I argued.

"What about Shay, and Jack..." He looked at me sadly. "Are you ever going to tell him. Tell him that you had birth to his child 3 months ago. That-"

"No! I wasn't going to tell him. Hell, i wasn't planning on seeing him ever again! Okay?! I'm not telling Jack about Shay! He probably hates me enough that he'll think I'm guilt tripping him." I cut him off.

"M-mommy? Are you okay? Who's Jack?" That last question broke my heart. Who was Jack...

"He's a... friend of mine." I quickly said and Dylan looked at me sadly. "Eh-hem. Well, Uncle Dylan should get going now right?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah. See ya guys." He walked out.

I signed.

"Mommy, what happened?" Shay asked concerned.

"I-i'm leaving soon sweety." I looked down sadly. I couldn't take her with me. I can't endanger her that much! It's bad enough that she's the child of thieves/ fugitives/ magicians.

"I-it's okay Mommy. I can just stay with aunty Bu Bu, can't i?" She asked, lightening up the mood. That's it!!

"That's a great idea! But are you sure you'll be okay honey?" I asked making sure. She nodded.

The Next Day

Today was the day. I was going back to New York! Just kidding! Lula left a week ago to join the horsemen and I'm so excited to see what the horsemen think about her! I'm going to see the horsemen, but not in New York. They're coming here, to Macau, China.

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